ateşi körüklemek ne demek?
Fan the flame.
- Havalandırma aracı, pervane, pervane kanadı, vantilatör.
- Sıcak veya soğuk havayı dengeli olarak savuran araç.
- Bk. üfleç
To ventilate; to blow on; to affect by air put in motion.
To winnow; to separate chaff from, and drive it away by a current of air; as, to fan wheat.
Pile that has been spread out, so that all of its cards are visible Only the topmost card in the fan will be completely visible; the other cards will be partially overlapped and hidden Fans may be spread left, right, up, or down; fanned down is the most common.
When the car is at idle or being driven in heavy traffic at lower speeds, the fan pulls cool air through the radiator.
Wedge-shaped body of sediment with a roughly semicircular map pattern and a gentle to steep upper surface that slopes away from the head or apex of the body.
AVN forecast output for a specific location; used by meteorologists as a 'first guess'.
Device that produces a pressure difference in air to move it.
ateşi abperver
- Mc: Hançer, kama, kılınç. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: ateş-i âb-perver)
ateşi bahar
- Lale. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: ateş-i bahar)
- Körükle hava vermek.
- Kızıştırmak, kışkırtmak, şiddetlendirmek
Blow with bellows.
Work up.
Rush up.