art ne demek?
- Arka, geri
Ardında kapı koyu karanlık bir sonsuzluğa açılıyordu.
T. Buğra - Sanat, yaratıcılık, ressamlık, ustalık, hüner, beceri; bilim dalı; kurnazlık, şeytanlık
- Bir şeyin öbür yüzü.
- Arkada bulunan.
- Bk. arka
The termination of many English words; as, coward, reynard, drunkard, mostly from the French, in which language this ending is of German origin, being orig.
The same word as English hard.
The second person singular, indicative mode, present tense, of the substantive verb Be; but formed after the analogy of the plural are, with the ending -t, as in thou shalt, wilt, orig.
An ending of the second person sing.
The black art; magic.
The creation of beautiful or significant things; 'art does not need to be innovative to be good'; 'I was never any good at art'; 'he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully' the products of human creativity; works of art collectively; 'an art exhibition'; 'a fine collection of art' a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation; 'the art of conversation'; 'it's quite an art'.
The space behind.
Compound by.
The products of human creativity; works of art collectively; 'an art exhibition'; 'a fine collection of art'.
The creation of beautiful or significant things; 'art does not need to be innovative to be good'; 'I was never any good at art'; 'he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully'.
It usually has the sense of one who has to a high or excessive degree the quality expressed by the root; as, braggart, sluggard.
Superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation; 'the art of conversation'; 'it's quite an art'.
Photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication; 'the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book'.
Divides into psychological and visionary Art can never be reduced to psychopathology because visionary art is greater than its creator and draws on primordial images and forces It stands on its own merits It compensates for the one-sidedness of an era Rather than a symptom or something secondary, it's a true symbolic expression, a reorganization of the conditions to which a causalistic explanation reduces it.
All kinds of illustration copy used in preparing a job for printing Also used to describe the pasteups themselves.
Now used only in solemn or poetical style.
Form of human activity created primarily as an aesthetic expression, especially, but not limited to drawing, painting and sculpture.
The employment of means to accomplish some desired end; the adaptation of things in the natural world to the uses of life; the application of knowledge or power to practical purposes.
Audible ringing tone A signal sent back to the calling party to indicate the called number is ringing 2 administrative reporting tool A web-based application for Cisco CallManager that generates reports on performance and service details See also CDR and CMR.
System of rules serving to facilitate the performance of certain actions; a system of principles and rules for attaining a desired end; method of doing well some special work; often contradistinguished from science or speculative principles; as, the art of building or engraving; the art of war; the art of navigation.
Any photograph, map or illustration used in preparing a job for printing.
The systematic application of knowledge or skill in effecting a desired result.
Objects created by humans that have aesthetic value or express symbolic meaning, including drawings, paintings, and sculpture.
Those branches of learning which are taught in the academical course of colleges; as, master of arts.
Also, an occupation or business requiring such knowledge or skill.
The integration and manifestation into a state of being which allows a free flowing creative process using personally unique techniques evolved from the technical processes of a discipline.
The application of skill to the production of the beautiful by imitation or design, or an occupation in which skill is so employed, as in painting and sculpture; one of the fine arts; as, he prefers art to literature.
Detail Inventory Table category including: drawings, engraving, frame, heads, images, likeness, maps, miscellaneous, painting, pictures, portraits, prints, profiles, and sculptural.
Human endeavor thought to be aesthetic and have meaning beyond simple description Includes music, dance, sculpture, painting, drawing, stitchery, weaving, poetry, writing, woodworking, etc A medium of expression where the individual and culture come together.
Learning; study; applied knowledge, science, or letters.
All treatments or procedures that involve the handling of human eggs and sperm for the purpose of establishing a pregnancy Types of ART include IVF, GIFT, ZIFT, embryo cryopreservation, egg or embryo donation, and surrogate birth.
Unconscious potential 2 creative abilities 3 expression.
Skill, dexterity, or the power of performing certain actions, acquired by experience, study, or observation; knack; as, a man has the art of managing his business to advantage.
Skillful plan; device.
Cunning; artifice; craft.
An image format with extremely aggressive compression at the expense of quality This format is most frequently seen by AOL users as AOL automatically compresses online images of other formats into Johnson-Grace images This is why AOL users often do not see web pages at the same quality level as other people, often seeing blurry images where others see clear images.
Automated Reasoning Tool, is an expert system software development environment from Inference-Corporation ART provides knowledge engineers with a comprehensive set of knowledge representation and storage techniques and graphics capabilities for building expert systems.
This is the creative process and production applied to expression of culture.
All illustrations used in preparing a job for printing.
An Article of the Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
The skillful application of correct knowledge in the order of making It is a habit residing in the soul of the artist which is ordered toward making rather than mere doing.
In this case, art is the trade abbreviation for artificial and is used to describe certain book binding materials.
Breed , description , fashion , fits , kind , manner , mode , nature , sort , species , type , variety.
- Eski (sen) -sin.
- Article.
- Hüner, sanat, marifet, ustalık, maharet
- Ilim dalı, fen
- Arkada olan, arkada bulunan.
- Bir şeyin temel tutulan yüzünün tam ters yanı, ön karşıtı.
- Bir şeyin sırt durumunda olan yüzeyi.
- Geri kalan bölüm, kısım.
- Art, peş.
- Otururken sırtın dayandığı yer
- İnsanın vücudu, bedeni
- Koruyucu, kayırıcı, iltimasçı, piston
- Bir organizmanınarka kısmı; bir organ veya yapınınarka kısmı. Posteriyor, art.
- Çadıra diktikleri direk.
art açınık
- Bkz. Açınık.
art and craft
- terimin türkçe karşılığı tam olarak 'sanat ve zanaat'tır. art and craft, 19. yüzyılın ikinci yansında ingiltere'de makineleşmeye ve seri üretime tepki olarak ortaya çıkan bir akımdır. eleştirmenler ve sanatçılar sanayi devrimi sonucu el sanatlarında görülen gerilemeden büyük üzüntü duydular ve el sanatlarının canlanması için bazı çabalarda bulundular. john ruskin ve william morris, zanaatçılığı yeniden canlandırmak gerektiğine inandı ve bu hareketin öncülüğünü yaptı. art and craft hareketinin teorik temellerini john ruskin oluşturdu. 1851 yılında venedik'in taşları adlı kitapta şu konuları tartıştı