ar ne demek?
- Argon elementinin simgesi.
- Tarım alanları için 100 m² değerinde yüzey ölçü birimi.
- Utanma, utanç duyma
Kınamazlar güzel sevse yiğidi / Güzel sevmek koç yiğide ar değil.
Karacaoğlan - Alerjik rinit
- Shame.
- Bashfulness.
- Shyness.
- Modesty.
- Are (100 square meters.
- Skyness.
- Stigma.
- The rate data is transferred by the user access channel The speed of the access channel determines how rapidly the end user can inject data into a frame relay network.
- The standard Mallinckrodt grade of analytical reagents; suitable for laboratory and general use If the reagent also meets the requirements of the American Chemical Society Committee on Analytical Reagents, it will be denoted as an AR reagent.
- Accounts Receivable.
- Analytical standard of reagent purity.
- Application Relay An NRS term which, for mail, refers to the name of another entity which the mail should be sent to.
- Antireflective coating.
- Ere; before.
- Army regulation.
- Arabic.
- Autoregressive AR models include past observations of the dependent variable in the forecast of future observations.
- Relay Mode, Communications Mode of the Space Suit Communicator.
- Secondary path for signal transmission if the primary path is unavailable.
- Army Reserve.
- Armor Rating To achieve a hit, you must roll over the character's AR Rolls Equal to or less than the AR, down to a 10, are considered a hit to the opponents armor, and damage is figured to the SDC All Player Characters have a natural AR of 12 Others have varying AR's.
- Administrative Record, a required,comprehensive file of documents that forms the basis of decisions made regarding cleanup.
- Arabic Hebr Hebrew.
- "argon (argon)"; havada ve volkanik gazlarda bulunan gaz benzeri kimyasal
- Atom numarası 18, atom ağırlığı 39,9 olan, havada % 1 oranında bulunan, rengi, kokusu ve tadı olmayan bir element (simgesi Ar).
- Yun. Kim: A sembolü ile gösterilen renksiz, kokusuz ve tatsız bir gaz. Havada % 1 nisbetinde bulunur.
- A. A. 39.95, A. S. 18 olan asal gaz elementi.
- Symbol, A; at.
- Colorless, odorless element Uses include shield in arc welding, furnace brazing, electric and specialized light bulbs and for use in geiger-counting tubes, and lasers Hazard: May cause dizziness and drowsiness and rapid suffocation In liquid form, is extremely cold and may cause frostbite.
- Nontoxic gas that is heavier than air, therefore it reduces the transfer of heat and cold It also reduces noise.
- An inert gas used in incandescent and fluorescent lamps Inincandescent lamps it helps to retard evaporation of tungsten filament.
- Dense gas generally used to insulate drysuit diving Not for breathing purposes.
- Gas which, when mixed with mercury, is used in fluorescent lamps and neon tubes In neon tubes, the combination of gases creates a blue color In a neon tube by itself, argon is a pale lavender.
- Argon.
ar belası
- Namus ve onuru için başkası söz eder korkusu. Onurunu korumak için katlanılan sıkıntı.
ar damarı
- Utanma duygusu