always ask ne demek?
- Her Zaman Sor
- Teklik isimlere tamlayan görevinde getirilerek birer birer olarak, "...-in hepsi" anlamını veren söz
- Bütün, hep, tamamen.
- Şiddet.
High Efficiency Red.
Adv: here 32.
The form of the objective and the possessive case of the personal pronoun she; as, I saw her with her purse out.
always allow
- Her zaman ızin ver
always block
- Her zaman Engelle
- Asklı mantarlara özgü üreme organı.
- Lazım olmak, lüzumlu olmak.
To request; to seek to obtain by words; to petition; to solicit; often with of, in the sense of from, before the person addressed.
To require, demand, claim, or expect, whether by way of remuneration or return, or as a matter of necessity; as, what price do you ask? To interrogate or inquire of or concerning; to put a question to or about; to question.
To invite; as, to ask one to an entertainment.
To publish in church for marriage; said of both the banns and the persons.
To request or petition; usually followed by for; as, to ask for bread.
To make inquiry, or seek by request; sometimes followed by after.
The price at which someone who owns a security offers to sell it; also known as the asked price.
The lowest price at which someone is willing to sell a security.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
always allowalways blockalways calcalways create backupalways create backup copyalwaysalways displayalways exceptingalways hidealways offaskask a blessingask a favor ofask a questionask aboutask afterask forask for adviceask for almsask for identificationasas ... as everas ... so a consequence ofas a countermeasure to