yag sever ne demek?
- Yag sever
yag sevmez
yag basinci
Oil pressure
- Seven (kimse).
- Sevgi duyar, sevecen.
To make a separation or distinction; to distinguish.
Set or keep apart; 'sever a relationship'.
Cut off from a whole; 'His head was severed from his body'; 'The soul discerped from the body'.
To cut or break open or apart; to divide into parts; to cut through; to disjoin; as, to sever the arm or leg.
To keep distinct or apart; to except; to exempt.
To disunite; to disconnect; to terminate; as, to sever an estate in joint tenancy.
To suffer disjunction; to be parted, or rent asunder; to be separated; to part; to separate.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
yag sevmezyag basinciyag embolisiyag hücresiyag lekesiyag tohumuyag üretimiyagazyagazlıkyageinyaya ... ya ...ya ... ya daya allahya baseversever a limb from the bodysever fromsever ones connections withsever toseverabilityseverableseveralseveral contractseveral course dinnerseveseve seveseve seve kabul etmekseve seve yapanseveban