while busy ne demek?
- Meşgulken
While busy
while being
- Iken
while whiles
- -iken, süresince, müddetince
- Olduğu halde, olmakla beraber.
- Meşgul, yoğun, faal, işlek
- Meşgul
- Hareketli, faal
- Işgüzar, burnunu her işe sokan
- Meşgul etmek iş vermek, boş bırakmamak
- Meşgul olmak, işi olmak.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
while beingwhile whileswhile awaywhile away the timewhile hungrywhilewhile oysawhile the time awaywhile trying towhichwhich bus goes to city hallwhich bus goes to downtownwhich bus goes to the airportwhich can carry tonsbusybusy as a beebusy busybusy flash signalbusy herebusy hourbusy ledbusy periodbusy signalbusy statebusbus access controlbus boybus cablebus company