wall box dimmer ne demek?
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wall advertisement
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- Elektrik akım şiddetini el ile çevirerek ayarlayan anahtar, reosta.
Rheostat that varies the current through an electric light in order to control the level of illumination.
Remote device which reduces the light output of a stage lighting fixture by reducing the total wattage it receives, commonly grouped in banks, panels or packs Present technology usually has a dimmer per circuit, as opposed to systems where a limited number of high-wattage dimmers are patched to a larger quantity of circuits.
In lighting, the electrical device that regulates the current passing through the bulb filaments and, thereby, the amount of light emitted from the lighting instruments.
Electronic controls that allow stage lighting to fade up or down slowly, as opposed to being on or off only Submitted by Karl Kuenning RFL from Roadie Net.
Control that regulates light levels.
Device that controls levels of light by varying the electric current.
Device which provides adjustable voltage to a lighting fixture to control light output Can also be a term to refer to a mechanical device, such as a shutter, that controls output.
Device in the electrical circuit used for varying the brightness of lamps in a lighting installation Dimming controls are ideal for any number of rooms because they allow you to change design the lighting to suit each mood and activity back to top.
An instrument used to change the voltage of lights on the set, regulating in this way thier intensity NOTE: Not recommended for color cinematography, as the color temperature of the lights will also change.
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