vergisi oranı ne demek?
- Büyük fare.
- Yaşlı, verimsiz, geçimsiz (kimse)
- Başarısız.
To chide with vehemence; to scold; to censure violently.
Established portion or measure; fixed allowance.
That which is established as a measure or criterion; degree; standard; rank; proportion; ratio; as, a slow rate of movement; rate of interest is the ratio of the interest to the principal, per annum.
Valuation; price fixed with relation to a standard; cost; charge; as, high or low rates of transportation.
Order; arrangement.
Ratification; approval.
The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time; as, daily rate; hourly rate; etc.
- Vergisi olmayan, vergi ödenmeyen.
Tax free.
vergisiz alabilir miyim
Can i buy it tax free
- O yer
- Kıyı, kenar, çizgi, sınır.Dgr.: anat. ora
That place.
Money of account among the Anglo-Saxons, valued, in the Domesday Book, at twenty pence sterling.
UW Office of Regional Affairs.
UCLA Office of Research Administration.
FDA's Office of Regulatory Affairs.
Office of Regulatory Affairs; Branch of FDA which is responsible for district offices and therefore also controls the inspections of manufacturers.
Parameter file.
An ORA is an assessment of a customer system provided by Oracle Consulting.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
vergisizvergisiz alabilir miyimvergisiz ekonomivergisiz özgen uğraşı kazançlarıvergivergi amaçlarıvergi artırımıvergi artışıvergi aşamasıvergeverge intoverge onvergelvergenceverver kaçver yiyeyim, ört uyuyayım gözle, canım çıkmasınveraveraciousoranoran bilgisioran birimioran değiştiroran dışıoraorachoracheoracıkoracıkta