united states actress ne demek?
- Martin
- Tek kurşun atan bir çeşit tüfek
- tek kurşun atan bir çeşit tüfek. italyanca martini den gelmekte. ayrıca ingilizce anlamı ise kırlangıç.
One of several species of swallows, usually having the tail less deeply forked than the tail of the common swallows.
Any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings; migrate around Martinmas United States singer United States actress United States actor and comedian French bishop who is a patron saint of France.
United States singer.
Any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings; migrate around Martinmas.
Perforated stone-faced runner for grinding.
French bishop who is a patron saint of France.
United States actor and comedian.
United States actress.
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united states baseball player
- Yogi
- Amerika, amerika birleşik devletleri
- Aktris
- Artist, kadın oyuncu.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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