united states baseball player ne demek?
- Yogi
- Yoga felsefesini uygulayan kimse.
One who practices yoga; one who has attained the goal of yogic practices.
Follower of the yoga philosophy; an ascetic.
One who practices yoga and has achieved a high level of spiritual insight.
Someone who practices yoga.
One who practices prolonged yoga or ascetism to gain control over the body and mind.
One who practises yoga.
Practitioner of yoga In Tibet, generally refers to lay Tantric practitioners, though monks and nuns also perform Tantric yoga.
Practitioner of yoga.
- Birleşmiş
- Birleşik
- İttifak halinde
- Ahenkli
united arab emirates
- Birleşik Arap Emirliği
- Amerika, amerika birleşik devletleri
- Beysbol, beysbol topu
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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