tin ne demek?
- Ruh.
- Birtakım fizik ötesi kurucularının, gerçeği ve evreni açıklamak için her şeyin özü, temeli veya yapıcısı olarak benimsedikleri madde dışı varlık.
- (Yun. pneuma, nous = soluk, nefes) : 1- Evren ilkesi. Özellikle stoa felsefesinde: Evren usu, evren ruhu; etki yapan, biçim veren, canlandıran ilke. 2- a. Doğal yaşam ilkesinden ayrı olarak, yüksek, doğaüstü, tanrısal ilke. b. Tanrı'nın dolaysız yaratıcı etkinliği. 3- Felsefeye Anaxagoras'ın yerleştirmiş olduğu "nous", Herakleitos'un getirmiş olduğu "logos" anlamında: a- Dünyanın usa uygun düzen ilkesi; b. Zamandan bağımsız olanın, zamandışı olanın, zamansız olanın ilkesi, c. Ruhun uslu yanı. (Aynı zamanda: logistikon.) 4- Yaşamdan ayrı olarak düşünme ve bilinç ilkesi (Descartes'ta cogitatio). 5- Düşünen insanın etkinliği; düşünce ilkesi. Özdeğe, fizik etkinliğe ve içgüdüsel etkinliğe karşıt. 6- Kendini içgüdülerin belirlenmişliğinden kurtaran, özgür olan, değerlere, anlam içeriklerine kendini açan. M. Scheler'de insanı insan yapan ilke; usun yanında duygu ve isteme edimlerini de içine alır. 7-tin, zaman zaman usa (ratio'ya) indirgenerek ruha karşı olan, cansız, "yaşama düşman" bir ilke olarak görülür (Ludwig Klages). 8- Bireysel ruh anlamına (özellikle dinbilimsel anlamda) "tinler ya da us taşıyan ruhlar" (Les esprits ou âmes raisonnables) Tanrılığın imgeleridirler (Leibniz).tini (spiritus-pneuma) ruhtan (anirha-psykhe) ayırmak gerekir. Ruh, organik ve duyusal yaşamın ilkesiair (hayvanların da ruhundan sözedilir),tin ise yalnız insana özgü düşünme yetişidir. Ancak Türkçe'de ruh sözcüğütin yerine de kullanılagelmiştir, örneğin Hıristiyanlıktaki "kutsal ruh" (le Saint Esprit).
To cover with tin or tinned iron, or to overlay with tin foil.
Silvery malleable metallic element that resists corrosion; used in many alloys and to coat other metals to prevent corrosion; obtained chiefly from cassiterite where it occurs as tin oxide prepare for soldering or brazing by applying a thin layer of solder to the surface plate with tin.
Silvery malleable metallic element that resists corrosion; used in many alloys and to coat other metals to prevent corrosion; obtained chiefly from cassiterite where it occurs as tin oxide.
Metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour.
Airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.
Plate with tin.
Preserve in a can or tin; 'tinned foods are not very tasty'.
Prepare for soldering or brazing by applying a thin layer of solder to the surface.
Triangulated Irregular Network A series of triangles constructed using elevation data points taken from coverages These triangles are used for surface representation and display.
News reading program.
Triangluated Irregular Network - A spatial data structure, generated by the TESSELLATION of space into irregular, exclusive triangles.
USEnet news reader for UNIX that allows users to read and post to the thousands of Internet newsgroups worldwide.
An elementary substance found as an oxide in the mineral cassiterite, and reduced as a soft white crystalline metal, malleable at ordinary temperatures, but brittle when heated.
It is not easily oxidized in the air, and is used chiefly to coat iron to protect it from rusting, in the form of tin foil with mercury to form the reflective surface of mirrors, and in solder, bronze, speculum metal, and other alloys.
Its compounds are designated as stannous, or stannic.
Symbol Sn.
Thin plates of iron covered with tin; tin plate.
Triangulated irregular network A surface representation derived from irregularly spaced sample points and breakline features The tin data set includes topological relationships between points and their neighboring triangles Each sample point has an x,y coordinate and a surface, or z-value These points are connected by edges to form a set of non-overlapping triangles used to represent the surface Tins are also called irregular triangular mesh or irregular triangular surface model.
Situated between the board and the floor covering the full width of the court and constructed in such a manner as to make a distinctive noise when struck by the ball.
Silvery-white metal, harder and less dense than lead Its principal ore is cassiterite Tailings pond: Pool where worthless waste rock and sludge from mining activities are stored Talc: Soft greyish, green or blue mineral composed of magnesium, silicon, oxygen and hydrogen Tectonics: Branch of geology that studies the architecture and deformations of the geological regions on the surface of a planet Tellurium: Rare silvery-white chemical element close to the metals Thorium: Radioactive grey metal Titanium: Very hard white metal extracted mainly from ilmenite iron ore Topography: General configuration of a region.
Tax Identification Number.
Element number 50, symbol Sn, a metal A silver white soft ductile metal occasionaly found in its native state Tin is one of the earliset known metals and was used both in its pure form as well as an alloying ingrediant by the ancients Pure tin was used by the Ancient Greeks as parts of light tight fitting armor such as shin guards Tin is corrosion resistant and has a very low melting point as well as an affinity for adhearing to other metals, thus tin plate, tin cans, babbit and solder Average density of tin, 7 298 g/cm3, 2637 lbs/cuin, 455 62 lbs/cuft Los Alamos National Laboratory periodic table entry tin.
Chemical symbol Sn Soft, silvery-white metal with high malleability and ductility, but little tensile strength One of the earliest metals known; because of its hardening effects on copper, used to make bronze for fabrication of construction and hunting tools and war weapons as early as 3500 B C With a melting point of 449-degrees F and a boiling point of 4384-degrees F, tin has the longest molten-state range of any common metal; thus, its principal use as a steel coating and constituent in alloys to make bronze, pewter, die-casting alloys, and specialty titanium alloys Used in biocides to control insect infestation, and in solders for joining pipes or electrical conductors.
Tax identification number.
An ion that causes haze.
Heb bedil , a metal well known in ancient times It is the general opinion that the Phoenicians of Tyre and Sidon obtained their supplies of tin from the British Isles In Ezek 27:12 it is said to have been brought from Tarshish, which was probably a commercial emporium supplied with commodities from other places In Isa 1:25 the word so rendered is generally understood of lead, the alloy with which the silver had become mixed The fire of the Babylonish Captivity would be the means of purging out the idolatrous alloy that had corrupted the people.
Transaction Identification Number.
Triangulated irregular network A surface representation derived from irregularly spaced sample points and breakline features The tin data set includes topological relationships between points and their proximal triangles Each sample point has an x,y coordinate and a surface, or z-value These points are connected by edges to form a set of non overlapping triangles used to represent the surface Tins are also called irregular triangular mesh or irregular triangular surface model.
The 9 digit number assigned by the IRS or Social Security Administration to identify an individual or inanimate entities such as corporations and trusts.
Triangulated Irregular Network.
When present in steel it is an undesirable impurity which gives rise to temper brittleness When used as a coating on steel, it has a good resistance to corrosion for many applications.
- (-ned, -ning) kalay
- Teneke
- İng
tin box
- Teneke kutu
tin can
- Teneke kutu, konserve kutusu, muhrip