ti plazmidi ne demek?
- Gen aktarımında kullanılan bitki hücresinin kromozomuyla birleşen ve hormonal olarak kontrol edilen hücre bölünmesini değiştirerek iki çenekli bitkilerin kök ve gövdesi arasında tümör oluşumuna sebep olan, bir toprak bakterisi Agrobacterium tumefaciens bakterisinin plâzmidi.
Ti plasmid, tumor inducing plasmid.
Plasmide Ti
- Titan elementinin simgesi.
- Bir tören sırasında, askerleri bir araya toplamak, törenin başladığını bildirmek vb. amaçlarla çalınan borazanın çıkardığı tiz ses.
- Titanyumun simgesi. (II)
In solmization, the seventh degree of the major scale Also called the leading tone.
Non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership The first Toastmasters club was established on October 22, 1924, in Santa Ana, California, by Dr Ralph C Smedley, who conceived and developed the idea of helping others to speak more effectively More clubs were formed, and Toastmasters International was incorporated under California law on December 19, 1932; Toastmasters International's business and services are administered by its World Headquarters, located in Rancho Santa Margarita, California It employs no paid promoters or instructors It has no salaried staff except the Executive Director and World Headquarters staff, who provide services to the clubs and Districts.
Terrestrial interference.
Western note in the do re mi system, the 7th and last note, equivalent to ni.
The syllable naming the seventh note of any musical scale in solmization shrub with terminal tufts of elongated leaves used locally for thatching and clothing; thick sweet roots are used as food; tropical southeastern Asia, Australia and Hawaii.
Abbr Trunk Index.
ti borusu
- Ti işareti veren boru.