thought it over ne demek?
- Üzerinde düşünmüş, birşeyleri göz önünde tutan, bir şeyleri dikkate alan, birşeyler hakkında düşünüp taşınmış
thought it out
- Bir başlık olatak düşünülmüş, birşey hakkında fikirleri olan
thought about it
- Onun hakkında düşünmüş, başından sonuna düşünmüş, kararını vermiş
- Köpek
- Değersiz, terbiyesiz kimse
Information Technology.
Information Technology Former name of Information and Educational Technology.
Information Technology - see ICT.
Instructional Technology or Information Technology; ITC workshops that focus on networking and hardware mechanics.
Short for Information Technology, it is concerned with all aspects of managing and processing information.
Information Technology Sometimes used as a synonym for the computer professionals in an organization Also sometimes known as IS or DP.
Information Technology - a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms.
- (edat) konusunda; bahsinde; meselesinde (contest over water; debate over politics)
- Yumurtalık
- Bitmiş, sona ermiş
- Üzerinde, üstünde
- Üzerine, üstüne
- Yukarısına
- Yukarısında
- Bütün (zaman)
- Karşıdan karşıya, karşıya kasma, öbür tarafına
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
thought it outthought about itthought disorderthought highly of himthought highly of himselfthoughtthought nothing of himthought provokingthought readerthought to himselfthoughthough thothoughfulnessthouthou doestthou ile eceksinthou shaltthou shalt not covetitit all dependsit appears thatit augurs wellit baffles descriptionit becomes youit befitsit beggars descriptionit boğanit brooks no delayii 0i accepti adore youi agree