test ne demek?
- Sınav.
- Bir kimsenin, bir topluluğun doğal veya sonradan kazanılmış yeteneklerini, bilgi ve becerilerini ölçmeye ve anlamaya yarayan sınama.
- Nesnel olarak değerlendirilebilen sınav sorularının tamamı
O gün üniversite test sınavında kazanamadığını öğrenmiştir.
H. Taner - Biyolojik bir işlevi veya değişmez bir niteliği incelenen bireyin tepkisi, örnek olarak alınan normal bireyinkiyle karşılaştırılarak ölçmeye ve değerlendirmeye yarayan yoklama
Bilimsel testler karganın attan daha zeki olduğunu saptayalı hanidir.
H. Taner - Bir hastalığın varlığını ve niteliğini anlamak için yapılan laboratuvar araştırması.
- Tecrübe.
- Deney.
- Kişilerin yetenek, bilgi ve becerileri ile anıklıklarını ölçmeye yarayan herhangi bir araç ya da yöntem.
- Zihinsel bir çalışmanın niteliğini belirtmek ve saptamak amacıyla yapılan
- Nesnel olarak değerlendirilebilen sınav sorularının tümüne verilen ad.
- Sınav. (Not: Fr., İng.test karşılığı Ruhbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü'nde ölçer terimi önerilmiştir.)
Cupel or cupelling hearth in which precious metals are melted for trial and refinement.
Examination or trial by the cupel; hence, any critical examination or decisive trial; as, to put a man's assertions to a test.
Means of trial; as, absence is a test of love.
That with which anything is compared for proof of its genuineness; a touchstone; a standard.
Discriminative characteristic; standard of judgment; ground of admission or exclusion.
Judgment; distinction; discrimination.
Reaction employed to recognize or distinguish any particular substance or constituent of a compound, as the production of some characteristic precipitate; also, the reagent employed to produce such reaction; thus, the ordinary test for sulphuric acid is the production of a white insoluble precipitate of barium sulphate by means of some soluble barium salt.
To refine, as gold or silver, in a test, or cupel; to subject to cupellation.
To put to the proof; to prove the truth, genuineness, or quality of by experiment, or by some principle or standard; to try; as, to test the soundness of a principle; to test the validity of an argument.
To examine or try, as by the use of some reagent; as, to test a solution by litmus paper.
To make a testament, or will.
The external hard or firm covering of many invertebrate animals.
Measuring instrument for assessing and documenting student learning The traditional test is a single-occasion, timed exercise.
Method of determining performance by exercising or operating a system or item using instrumentation or special test equipment that is not an integral part of the item being tested.
Cross - A cross of a dominant with homozygous recessive; used to determine whether the dominant is homozygous or heterozygous If two or more genes are involved, the test cross is used to determine the linkage relationship between the different genes.
Set of questions or situations designed to permit an inference about what an examinee knows or can do in an area of interest.
Collection of questions that may be divided into subtests that measure abilities in an area or in several areas.
The process of exercising a product to identify differences between the expected and actual behavior.
Device or technique used to measure the performance, skill level, or knowledge of a learner on a specific subject matter It usually involves quantification of results-- a number that represents an ability or characteristic of the person being tested.
Set of questions or situations designed to ascertain what an examinee knows or can do.
Standardisation and controlled method for measuring abilities, knowledge or personality of applicants based on a sample of behaviour.
Check , test.
The outer integument of a seed; the episperm, or spermoderm.
The act of testing something; 'in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately'; 'he called each flip of the coin a new trial' the act of undergoing testing; 'he survived the great test of battle'; 'candidates must compete in a trial of skill' any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc; 'the test was standardized on a large sample of students' a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins undergo a test; 'She doesn't test well' determine the presence or properties of achieve a certain score or rating on a test; 'She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools' put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to; 'This approach has been tried with good results'; 'Test this recipe' show a certain characteristic when tested; 'He tested positive for HIV'.
Proof drive.
Any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc; 'the test was standardized on a large sample of students'.
The act of testing something; 'in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately'; 'he called each flip of the coin a new trial'.
The act of undergoing testing; 'he survived the great test of battle'; 'candidates must compete in a trial of skill'.
Trying something to find out about it; 'a sample for ten days free trial'; 'a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain'.
Set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge; 'when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions'.
Hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins.
Put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to; 'This approach has been tried with good results'; 'Test this recipe'.
Test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; 'screen the blood for the HIV virus'.
Examine someone's knowledge of something; 'The teacher tests us every week'; 'We got quizzed on French irregular verbs'.
Show a certain characteristic when tested; 'He tested positive for HIV'.
Achieve a certain score or rating on a test; 'She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools'.
Determine the presence or properties of.
Undergo a test; 'She doesn't test well'.
Test message, usually posted by newbies Test messages should only be sent to newsgroups specifically designed for this purpose, such as misc test Warning: put 'Ignore' in your test message's subject or body, unless you want lots of automatically generated response mail.
An activity in which a system or component is executed under specified conditions, the results are observed or recorded and an evaluation is made of some aspect of the system or component To conduct an activity as in A set of one or more test cases A set of one or more test procedures A set of one or more test cases and procedures.
Test is a measure that provides information about a person's knowledge, skill, competence, or behavior Tests or 'assessments' are often used to monitor education systems for public accountability, help improve instructional practices, evaluate program effectiveness, measure student achievement, and assess students' mastery of skills.
Procedure or action taken to determine under real or simulated conditions the capabilities, limitations, characteristics, effectiveness, reliability, or suitability of a material, device, system, or method.
The act of activating one or more sensors, devices, controls, communicating devices, or other components of an alarm system in an effort to confirm proper operation of the equipment.
Discipline in the software-engineering process whose purpose is to integrate and test the system n an instance of a given test case v To execute a test.
Period of time in which a number of cases are completed for analysis and management decisions as to whether or not a particular project or program is viable.
Crucial part of program development in which program behavior is exercised in an attempt to find failures, or bugs 2 In a conditional statement, another name for the boolean expression known as the condition.
Method for collecting data 2 A procedure for critical evaluation.
Any procedure designed to obtain, verify, or provide data for the evaluation of a system, service or product.
Formal measure of skill, announced in advance and requiring a substantial amount of time to complete For example, a test might include a reading passage with questions, a grammar section, and a series of words to use in sentences.
- ), (f.) imtihan, tecrübe, muayene
- Ölçü, ayar
- Deney, tecrübe
- Maden arıtmada kullanılan pota
- Çözümleme, tahlil
- Tahlil için kullanılan ecza
- Tasfiye etmek
- Mihenge vurmak
- Imtihan etmek, tecrübe veya muayene etmek
- Denemek
- Prova etmek
- Çözümlemek, tahlil etmek
- ), (zool.) deniz kestanesi gibi hayvanların sert kabuğu.
- Test yapmak, denemek, kontrol etmek, sınamak, analizini yapmak, yoklamak
test alan
- Bk. ölçeralan
test aletleri aracı
Test instrument vehicle