termination message ne demek?

  1. Sonlandırma mesajı


  1. Sonlandırmak işi.

termination benefits

  1. İşten çıkarma tazminatları

termination codon

  1. Sonlandırma kodonu


  1. Haber, mesaj
  2. Resmi bildiri
  3. Peygamberin halka bildirdiği haber.
  4. Mesaj, haber

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

termination benefitstermination codontermination codonstermination factortermination factorsterminationtermination feetermination indemnitytermination of hostilitiestermination of offerterminatioterminating conditionterminating decimal fractionterminateterminate and stay residentterminate someones life at his requestterminate toterminatedmessagemessage application programming message bearermessage blockmessage classmessage control programmessage formatmessage handlermessage headermessage iletimessmess aboutmess aroundmess around withmess call
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