tartar sauce ne demek?
- Sos tartar
- Bazı yemeklerin üzerine dökülen, domates, baharat vb. şeylerle yapılan karışım.
Single Operation System This system simplifies emergency procedures by combining the functions of the cut away and reserve handles in a single handle.
The ISO 4217 currency code for the Somalian Shilling.
SOS A process where you tell other people about the addictions you have on them without asking them to change details.
Static Output Script files are processed once before all site pages are built The resulting HTML is accessed via the SOSText function An SOS file is a convenient and efficient way to format a set of related properties.
Distress signal.
Short on storage A CICS condition when the amount of storage requested exceedsthe amount available.
Southern Oxidants Study; SOS is a field study examining ozone and ozone precursors in the southeastern U.
Save original sewing.
Service Order System.
tartar emetic
- Asit tartarik tuzu
- Kusturucu tartarat
- Suda eriyen, alkol ve eterde erimeyen, asit tadında beyaz bir tuz.
- Şarap tortusu.
- Diş taşı.
- Diş taşı.
Tartar, dental calculus.
Correction which often incrusts the teeth, consisting of salivary mucus, animal matter, and phosphate of lime.
Native or inhabitant of Tartary in Asia; a member of any one of numerous tribes, chiefly Moslem, of Turkish origin, inhabiting the Russian Europe; written also, more correctly but less usually, Tatar.
Person of a keen, irritable temper.
Of or pertaining to Tartary in Asia, or the Tartars.
See Tartarus.
- Salça, sos
- Terbiye
- Haşlanmış meyva sosu
- Terbiyesizce söylenmiş söz, küstahça lakırdı
- Salça ilave etmek, terbiye etmek, lezzet vermek
- Sos katmak, terbiyelemek, çeşni katmak, tepesine çıkmak, şımarıklık etmek