tartar ne demek?
- Suda eriyen, alkol ve eterde erimeyen, asit tadında beyaz bir tuz.
- Şarap tortusu.
- Diş taşı.
- Diş taşı.
Tartar, dental calculus.
Correction which often incrusts the teeth, consisting of salivary mucus, animal matter, and phosphate of lime.
Native or inhabitant of Tartary in Asia; a member of any one of numerous tribes, chiefly Moslem, of Turkish origin, inhabiting the Russian Europe; written also, more correctly but less usually, Tatar.
Person of a keen, irritable temper.
Of or pertaining to Tartary in Asia, or the Tartars.
See Tartarus.
An incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums.
Salt used especially in baking powder.
Fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman.
Member of the Mongolian people of central Asia who invaded Russia in the 13th century.
- Tatar
- Düzenbaz kimse, çetin ceviz.
- Şarap tortusu
- Kefeki pesek.
tartar emetic
- Asit tartarik tuzu
- Kusturucu tartarat
tartar sauce
- Sos tartar