tar ne demek?
- Doğu Anadolu ile Azerbaycan'da çalınan bir çalgı türü.
- Karanlık. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: târ)
To smear with tar, or as with tar; as, to tar ropes; to tar cloth.
Coat with tar; 'tar the roof'; 'tar the roads'.
Any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue.
Man who serves as a sailor.
The filename extension used by files made into an archive by the Unix tar program.
Tar archiving utility.
The Tibet Autonomous Region; the Tibetan area west of the Drichu and south of the Kunlun mountains This is the only area recognised by modern-day China as 'Tibet' The area was formally constituted as an 'autonomous region' in 1965 Tibetan: Bod rang-skyong ljongs; Chinese: Xizang Zizhiqu.
Brown or black bituminous material, liquid or semi-solid in consistency, in which the predominating constituents are bitumens obtained as condensates in the processing of coal, petroleum, oil-shale, wood or other organic material.
File compression format used on UNIX and Linux systems, performs the same function as winzip on PCs, disc doubler and compact pro on Macs.
Utility for bundling files and directories together into one file for archival storage on a tape or for transmission over the Internet.
Tar is a tool used for the archiving of files in so-called tar-files which you recognize by their suffix tar You'll find KOffice source and binary distributions as gzipped tar-files However, you shouldn't use them if there are special packages for your system and package manager See RPM, DEB.
TAR is the standard Unix program to create, add, and extract files from file archives It can be used to store an entire tree of directories and files onto a magnetic tape To use it, you have to known the name of the device on which to read the tape Check Modline tape label for that.
Compression format commonly used in the transfer and storage of files residing on UNIX computers.
Sailor; a seaman.
Tape archiver, a program commonly used on UNIX systems for archiving and transporting large collections of files and/or directories.
File compression format generally found on UNIX platforms.
Short for the tape archive utility that combines a group of files into a single file with a tar extension In most cases file compression is used when a file is tarred.
Brown or black bituminous material, liquid or semi-solid in consistency, in which the predominating constituents are bitumens obtained as condensates in the processing of coal, petroleum, oil-shale, wood, or other organic materials.
UNIX compression program called a Tape Archiver, and produces the file extension.
North-African frame drum, played with the fingers of both hands, while the edge of the drum rests in the upturned-palm of one hand.
Unix file archiving utility It is used to create a single file which contains a number of other file Oftentimes a software distribution will be tarred then compressed or gziped.
UNIX utility for making a single file out of a set of files that a user wishes to store together The resulting file has the extension tar Unlike PKZIP, tar does not compress files, so compress or gzip is usually run on the tar file to produce a file with extensions tar gz or tar.
Tar is a tool used for the archiving of files in so-called 'tar-files' which you recognize by their suffix ' tar' You'll find KOffice source and binary distributions as gzipped tar-files However, you shouldn't use them if there are special packages for your system and package manager See RPM, DEB.
The total particulate matter in cigarette smoke, minus the nicotine and water, that is retained on a Cambridge filter pad when smoke passes through it under specific smoking and testing conditions known as the FTC method.
Treatment Authorization Request.
Tape Archives - based on the tape back-up devices used by early Unix platforms A useful way to transport many files without compression while retaining the original file names, data and permission settings One tar file could contain tens, hundreds or even thousands of files These files are always uploaded in binary back to install guide.
- Dili
- (-red,- ring) katran
- Katranlamak, katran sürmek
tar and feather
- Katran ve tüye bulamak (ceza)
tar archiving utility
- Tar