tapa ne demek?
- Şişe gibi dar delikleri tıkamaya yarayan mantar, cam, tahta veya plastikten tıkaç, tıpa.
- Top mermisinin ucuna takılan ve mermi atıldıktan sonra patlamasını sağlayan ayarlı başlık.
- Barutun yanmasıyla oluşan gazların fişeğin içindeki saçma veya kurşunları tüfeğin namlusundan sürerek dışarıya atmak için bir piston gibi görev yapan ve fişeğin içindeki barutun üst kısmına yerleştirilen, keçe, k
- Polinezya adalarında, incir, dut, akkavak vb. ağaç kabuklarının yumuşatılması, dövülmesi, üst üste ya da yan yana yapıştırılmasıyla elde edilen, üzerleri türlü desenlerle bezenmiş kumaş.
Kind of cloth prepared by the Polynesians from the inner bark of the paper mulberry; sometimes called also kapa.
Paperlike cloth made in the South Pacific by pounding tapa bark thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus.
Any type of food can be a tapa - anything which is easy to eat so that the natural flow of conversation is not interrupted It is Spanish food served in small appetizer-sized portions The word translates as 'cover ' In Spain, tapas are served between meals, or maybe before that late dinner that begins at 10:00 p m , in tapas bars Lunch in Spain is traditionally served at 2:00 p m and dinner no earlier than 10:00 p sm Tapas can be as simple as a bowl of olives or something more hearty such as stuffed potatoes In many Spanish restaurants, tapas are served free with a drink, the purpose being to keep you sober, and keep you going After all, when you went back to sip your drink you weren't going to throw what covered the glass away Just eat it! And get another tapa in the process.
Dried meat cured with salt and vinegar.
Bark cloth, made from the mahute tree.
Thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus.
Paperlike cloth made in the South Pacific by pounding tapa bark.
Any type of food can be a tapa - anything that is easy to eat so that the natural flow of conversation is not interrupted It is Spanish food served in small appetizer-sized portions The word translates as 'cover ' In Spain, tapas are served between meals, or maybe before that late dinner that begins at 10:00 p m , in tapas bars Lunch in Spain is traditionally served at 2:00 p m and dinner no earlier than 10:00 p m Tapas can be as simple as a bowl of olives or something more hearty such as stuffed potatoes In many Spanish restaurants, tapas are served free with a drink, the purpose being to keep you sober, and keep you going After all, when you went back to sip your drink you weren't going to throw what covered the glass away Just eat it! And get another tapa in the process.
tapa deliği
tapa ile tıkamak