tango no sekku ne demek?
- Özel ritimli ağır bir dans.
- Bu dansın müziği.
- Aşırı bir biçimde son modaya uyarak giyinmiş (kadın)
- Fr. Züppe giyinişli kadın.
Difficult dance in two-four time characterized by graceful posturing, frequent pointing positions, and a great variety of steps, including the cross step and turning steps.
The dance is of Spanish origin, and is believed to have been in its original form a part of the fandango.
Fun dance - also the name of our scanner--a Heidelberg Tango Drum Scanner.
The Tango began in the West Indies and found its way to Argentina where it was stylised by the Gauchos to its present form Tango is a very dramatic, exciting dance Most people recognise Tango from the days of 'Valentino' to the 'Tango Argentina' Tango is still very popular today as movies like, 'Scent of a Woman' and 'True Lies' demonstrate.
Dance originated in the streets and salons of Buenos Aires, Argentine Its is characterised as very aspassionate.
tango yap
Dance a tango
- Değil
- Nitrik oksit.
Negative answer; prohibition; one who votes against; negative vote, vote against; radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding curium with carbon ions.
- Hayır
- Ret, aleyhte oy, numara, red
- Deme!, olmaz!
- Seyahat etmek, gezmek.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
tangotango yaptango yapmaktangtang drilltangatanganikatanganyikatantan ağarmaktan aydınlığıtan fonksiyonutan liquornono absorbable sutures materialsno accessno access to car decksno accountno admitno admit except on businessno admittanceno admittance accept on businessno all therenn an açık yuvarn ağırlıkn aminotridekan