stratified sample ne demek?

  1. Katmanlanmış örneklem

stratified sampling

  1. Katmanlı örnekleme
  2. Tabakalandırılmış örnekleme

stratified squamous epithelium

  1. Çok katlı yassı epitel


  1. Model, mostra
  2. Denemek, tatmak, örneklemek
  3. Örnek, numune
  4. Örnek olarak denemek

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

stratified samplingstratified squamous epitheliumstratified epitheliumstratified mean catch per towstratifiedstratificationstratifstraticulatesamplesample and hold actionsample cardsample checksample copysample designsample distributionsample managersample momentsample of goodssampsampansamphiresampiyonsamsam amcasam browne beltsam hillsam sound absorption material
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