still room ne demek?
- Kiler, içki kileri, damıtma odası
still air
- durgun hava
still another
- Daha: Here is still another example of this monotonous rhythm. İşte bu monoton ritimden bir örnek daha.
- Oda
- Yer meydan
- Oturmak
- Oturmak, kalmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
still airstill anotherstill fishstill huntstill imagestillstill lemon drinkstill lifestill waterstill waters run deepstilstil alstil düzenlestil düzenle bulstil ekleroomroom and boardroom indexroom materoom nightroom onlyroom propertiesroom serviceroom service is available round the clockroom service pleaserooroodrood archrood loftrood screen