star delta starter ne demek?
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- (--red, --ring) -in yanına yıldız işareti koymak. (belirli bir filmin) yıldızı olmak.
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Self-luminous gaseous body that typically generates energy by nuclear reactions in its interior Note that white dwarfs and neutron stars that no longer possess nuclear reactions, but shine by radiating stored-up heat that originally was derived from nuclear reactions, are also referred to as stars.
Cosmic structure that generates energy by means of nuclear fusion at its core.
Giant ball of hot gas that creates and emits its own radiation through nuclear fusion.
Most of the objects you see in the night sky are stars, and they come in many different varieties Stars usually emit light , but this is not true for all stars Some are as small as the Earth and others are bigger than the Earth's orbit around the Sun Even though you cannot see the stars during the daytime, they are still present The intense light coming from the Sun simply overwhelms the dim light coming from the star.
Large hot ball of gas which generates energy in its core by nuclear reactions.
Network topology where each node is connected to a central hub.
Large ball of gas which releases energy produced by nuclear reactions in its core.
star atlas
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- Yunan alfabesinin dördüncü harfi (D).
- Bir ırmağın çatallanarak denize veya ırmağa kavuştuğu yerde oluşan üçgen biçimli ova, çatal ağız.
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- Kalıp kenar çizgilerinin birbirinden ayrılmaya başladığı bölgede oluşan (V) şeklindeki bölüm.
- [ delta, Δ ] Kimyasal eşitliklerde tepkimenin yüksek sıcaklıklarda gerçekleştiğini belirten bir simge.
- Üçgen.
- Yun. Nehirlerin taşıdığı toprakların (alüvyonları) akarsuyun, denize veya göle döküldüğü yerde yığılmasıyla meydana gelen kısım.
Tract of land shaped like the letter delta , especially when the land is alluvial and inclosed between two or more mouths of a river; as, the delta of the Ganges, of the Nile, or of the Mississippi.
The ratio of the change in the price of an option to the change in the price of the asset underlying the option.
The amount by which an option's price will change for a one-point change in price by the underlying entity Call options have positive deltas, while put options have negative deltas Technically, the delta is an instantaneous measure of the option's price change, so that the delta will be altered for even fractional changes by the underlying entity See also Hedge Ratio.
- Bkz. başlatıcı.
Person or thing that starts; one who signals the beginning (e.g.
Of a race); person who starts in a game or race (Sports); self-starter (part of an engine); appetizer, first course.
- Aperatif, meze, starter, marş motoru, başlayan kimse, başlatan kimse, yarışta çıkışı veren kimse
- Başlayan veya başlatan kimse
- Trende hareket memuru
- Oto
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
starstar atlasstar cataloguestar chamberstar clothstar clusterstar connected devicestar crossedstar dancestar duststastabstab in the backstab s.o. in the backstab smb. in the backdeltadelta cellsdelta chaindelta connected devicedelta connectiondelta crl onlydelta crlsdelta dağılımıdelta demiridelta distributiondeldel castello hastalığıdel crederedel keydelab