delta ne demek?
- Yunan alfabesinin dördüncü harfi (D).
- Bir ırmağın çatallanarak denize veya ırmağa kavuştuğu yerde oluşan üçgen biçimli ova, çatal ağız.
- Bk. çatalağız
- Kalıp kenar çizgilerinin birbirinden ayrılmaya başladığı bölgede oluşan (V) şeklindeki bölüm.
- [ delta, Δ ] Kimyasal eşitliklerde tepkimenin yüksek sıcaklıklarda gerçekleştiğini belirten bir simge.
- Üçgen.
- Yun. Nehirlerin taşıdığı toprakların (alüvyonları) akarsuyun, denize veya göle döküldüğü yerde yığılmasıyla meydana gelen kısım.
Tract of land shaped like the letter delta , especially when the land is alluvial and inclosed between two or more mouths of a river; as, the delta of the Ganges, of the Nile, or of the Mississippi.
The ratio of the change in the price of an option to the change in the price of the asset underlying the option.
The amount by which an option's price will change for a one-point change in price by the underlying entity Call options have positive deltas, while put options have negative deltas Technically, the delta is an instantaneous measure of the option's price change, so that the delta will be altered for even fractional changes by the underlying entity See also Hedge Ratio.
The low, nearly flat, alluvial tract of land at or near the mouth of a river, commonly forming a triangular or fan-shaped plain of considerable area, crossed by many distributaries of the main river, perhaps extending beyond the general trend of the coast, and resulting from the accumulation of sediment supplied by the river in such quantities that it is not removed by tides, waves, and currents Most deltas are partly subaerial and partly below water.
Measure of how much an option premium changes, given a unit change in the underlying futures price Delta often is interpreted as the probability that the option will be in-the-money by expiration.
The rate of change of the price of a derivative security relative to the price of the underlying asset; i e , the first derivative of the curve that relates the price of the derivative to the price of the underlying security.
Measure of the relationship between an option price and its underlying futures contract or stock price BACK TO TOP.
The percentage of price movement in the underlying stock that will be translated into the price movement in a particular option For example, a delta of 50 percent indicates that the option will move up by one-half point for each one-point rise in the underlying stock Call options have positive delta and put options have negative delta Delta increases as the stock price rises and decreases as the stock price declines It's also commonly used to approximate the probability that an option will finish in the money.
The measure of change in the value of an option compared with a change in the price of the underlying.
The low, nearly flat, alluvial tract of land at or near the mouth of a river, commonly forming a triangular or fan-shaped plain of considerable area, crossed by many distributaries of the main river, perhaps extending beyond the general trend of the coast, and resulting from the accumulation of sediment supplied by the river in such quantities that it is not removed by tides, waves, and currents Most deltas are partly subaerial and partly below the water The term was introduced by Herodotus in the 5th Century B C for the tract of land, at the mouth of the Nile River, whose outline broadly resembled the Greek capital letter 'delta', D , with the apex pointing upstream.
The change in the value of the option premium relative to the instantaneous change in the value of the underlying instrument, expressed as a coefficient.
Also called the hedge ratio, the ratio of the change in price of a call option to the change in price of the underlying stock.
The change in the price of a derivative due to a change in the price of the underlying asset.
The fan--shaped area at the mouth, or lower end, of a river, formed by eroded material that has been carried downstream and dropped in quantities larger than can be carried off by tides or currents The Nile and Mississippi Rivers have deltas.
Is a measure that indicates the change of an option price relative to a change in the currency price A delta of 5 would indicate that the long option holder is long the equivalent of 1/2 of a futures currency contract.
An alluvial deposit, often in the shape of the Greek letter 'delta,' which is formed where a stream drops its debris load on entering a body of quieter water.
In an RCS or SCCS file, the set of changes that constitute a specific version of the file.
The ratio of the change in price of a call option to the change in price of the underlying stock Also called the hedge ratio Applies to derivative products Measure of the relationship between an option price and the underlying futures contract of stock price.
The closed figure produced by connecting three coils or circuits successively, end for end, esp.
In a three-phase system; often used attributively, as delta winding, delta connection , etc.
The 4th letter of the Greek alphabet a low triangular area where a river divides before entering a larger body of water.
Large deposit of alluvial sediment located at the mouth of a stream where it enters a body of standing water.
The change in the value of the option premium made fully paid by the capitalisation of reserves and given relative to the instantaneous change in the value of the; underlying instrument, expressed as a coefficient.
An alluvial deposit made of rock particles dropped by a stream as it enters a body of water A plain underlain by an assemblage of sediments that accumulate where a stream flows into a body of standing water where its velocity and transporting power are suddenly reduced Originally so named because many deltas are roughly triangular in plan, like the Greek letter delta , with the apex pointing upstream.
Measures the change in the value of the reserves portfolios for each one basis point shift in the relevant yield curve.
The percentage of the price movement in the underlying stock that will be translated into price movement in a particular option series For example, a delta of 50 percent indicates that the option will move up by one half point for each 1 point rise in the underlying stock Call options have positive delta; put options have negative delta Deltas increase as the stock price rises and decrease as the stock price declines The delta is also an approximation of the probability that an option will finish in the money.
Feature composed of silt formed when sediment is deposited at the mouth of a river, caused by the slowing of water on entering the sea.
An accumulation of sediment where a river enters a lake or ocean The shape and size of a delta are controlled by the climate, the water discharge of the river, the amount of sediment supplied by the river, the size of the waves, the current and the tides in the receiving body of water.
Value used in referring to power tables that combines gamma and the sample size.
Low triangular area where a river divides before entering a larger body of water.
The 4th letter of the Greek alphabet.
- Yunan alfabesinin dördüncu harfi
- Delta şeklinde herhangi bir şey
- Üçgen
- Delta
- Trifaze akımda üçgen bağlantı .delta -wing (airplane) kanatları üçgen şeklinde olan jet uçağı.
- Delta, üç köşe; çatalağız
- Gelgit olayının önemsiz olduğu kıyılara ulaşan ve çok lığ taşıyan akarsular ağzında görülen üçgen ve kimi kez çatal biçiminde alçak kıyı ovası.
delta cells
- Delta hücreleri
delta chain
- Delta zinciri