sol ne demek?
- Vücutta kalbin bulunduğu tarafta olan, sağ karşıtı.
- Bu taraftaki yön.
- Sosyalizme yakın görüşte olan grup.
- Boksta sol yumrukla vuruş.
- Gam dizisinde fa ile la arasındaki ses.
- Bu sesi gösteren nota işareti.
- Sıvı hâlde bir kolloit ya da süspansiyon.
- Bir sıvı ortamda bir katının kolloidal boyutta dağılmasıyla oluşan çözelti.
- Güneş.Dgr.: anat. sol
- Sıvı h
The sun.
Gold; so called from its brilliancy, color, and value.
Syllable applied in solmization to the note G, or to the fifth tone of any diatonic scale.
The tone itself.
Silver and gold coin of Peru.
The silver sol is the unit of value, and is worth about 68 cents.
In solmization, the fifth degree of the major scale.
The monetary unit in Ironrealm, now used heavily via electronic methods, such as credit, but originally copper coins about the size of quarters with the image of a rising engraved into the surface.
Sol Rising, and sponsors public readings and other events Head librarian is Lorna Toolis.
Unix Host.
The name of Earth's sun.
Standards Of Learning.
Sticker On Label.
The Sun, central power source of our solar system The Sun stands for the individuality in the nativity It rules Leo and is exalted in Aries.
Colloid with solid particles suspended in a liquid Examples are protoplasm, starch in water, and gels.
Computer language that was a prototype for IDL.
Fluid mixture of a colloid and a liquid; a liquid colloidal solution or suspension.
The syllable naming the fifth note of any musical scale in solmization ancient Roman god; personification of the sun; counterpart of Greek Helios a colloid that has a continuous liquid phase in which a solid is suspended in a liquid.
Colloid that has a continuous liquid phase in which a solid is suspended in a liquid.
Ancient Roman god; personification of the sun; counterpart of Greek Helios.
The syllable naming the fifth note of any musical scale in solmization.
- Koloidal eriyik, koloit.
- Sol noktası, gamda beşinci nota.
- Güneş
- Eski Romalıların güneş tanrısı.
sol açık
- Futbolda sol başta bulunan oyuncu.
- Bir takımın akıncı katında yer alan oyunculardan sol başta bulunanı.
Outside left.
sol açık oyuncusu