smooth and connected ne demek?
- Legato
- Bir parçanın notalarını ara vermeden birbirine bağlayarak (söylemek veya çalmak).
Connected; tied; a term used when successive tones are to be produced in a closely connected, smoothly gliding manner.
Smooth, flowing.
Smooth and connected; opposite of staccato.
Moving smoothly between notes with no noticeable interruptions.
Company that sells a backup product called Networker, and one of the market leaders in backup software.
Smooth singing with no apparent interruption from articulation.
Smoothly, evenly Notes are performed with only smallest of breaks between them.
Italian for 'tied ' In music, the performance of notes in a smooth line The opposite, with notes detached, is called staccato.
Direction to play smoothly, so that all the notes run into one another The opposite of staccato.
- Yumuşatmak
- Düzeltmek, düzleştirmek
- Kolaylaştırmak
- Tatlılaştırmak (ses)
- Yatıştırmak, teskin etmek
- Tesviye etmek, düzlemek
- Kolaylaşmak
- Düzeltme, düzleştirme
- Düz şey veya yer
- Düz, pürtüksüz, müstevi, pürüzsüz, düzgün
smooth and bare
- Yalçın
- Yemin içmek, yemin etmek.
- (İngilizce) ve, ile, de
- (bağlaç) ve, de, ile
- Bağlı, ilgili, birleşik, bitişik, ilişkili, akraba, yakın
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
smoothsmooth and baresmooth and slipperysmooth awaysmooth chinnedsmooth curvesmooth downsmooth endoplasmic reticulumsmooth facedsmooth filesmoot colony formsmoochsmoochingsmocksmock frocksmockingsmogsmogboundandand a bitand a halfand a lot moreand alsoand b printingand b windingand connectiveand d speedand dağlarıanan abbreviated signaturean abbreviation of carabineran abbreviation of kilograman absolute must