sequential operation ne demek?

  1. Sirali operasyon


  1. (en)Tiered


  1. Sonraki
  2. Ardışık
  3. Seri oluşturan

sequential access

  1. Siradan erisim


  1. Yürürlük, tatbikat, harekat
  2. İş, fiil
  3. Etki, hüküm
  4. Süreç
  5. Çalışma, çalışma tarzı
  6. Harekat, tatbikat
  7. Cerrahi müdahale, operasyon
  8. Etkinlik, işleyiş, işletme, çalıştırma, kullanma

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

sequentialsequential accesssequential access storagesequential analysissequential circuitsequential controlsequential couleur avec memoiresequential estimationsequential filesequential logic elementsequentsequent operationsequencesequence checksequence effectsequence numbersequence of eventsoperationoperation codeoperation cycleoperation for appendicitisoperation of a canteenoperation of threshingoperation priorityoperation researchoperation research teamoperation toweloperaticoperaticallyoperaticsoperatifoperatif şok
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