operation towel ne demek?

  1. Serviyet bezi

operation code

  1. Islem kodu

operation cycle

  1. Manevra çevrimi (mekanik anahtar)
  2. manevra çevrimi (mekanik anahtar)


  1. Havlu ile kurulamak
  2. Havlu, silecek, peşkir
  3. Havlu ile kurulamak veya kurulanmak

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

operation codeoperation cycleoperation for appendicitisoperation of a canteenoperation of threshingoperationoperation priorityoperation researchoperation research teamoperationaloperaticoperaticallyoperaticsoperatifoperatif şoktoweltowel clamptowel cupboardtowel hangertowel horsetowel racktowel railtowelettetowelingtowellingtowed nettowtow awaytow bartow headed snaketow rope
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