salt ne demek?
- İçinde yabancı bir öge bulunmayan, mutlak.
- İçine, kendisine yabancı hiçbir şey karışmamış, arı.
- Yalnızca
Sanat adına konuşmakta kendinde hak gören, her konuştuğunu da salt doğrudur diye karşısındakine kabullendirmek isteyen kimseler sardı etrafımızı.
N. Cumalı - İçine, kendisine yabancı başka hiç bir şey karışmamış olan ; arı.
- Uygulamayla ilişkisi olmayan bilimler. (Ör.salt matematik.)
- Başka bir yetiye bağlı olmayan. (Ör. Descartes'tasalt anlık duyulara gereksinme göstermeyen, böylece desalt olan bilgiyi sağlar.)salt us (Kant'ta): Deneyden bağımsız, içinde duyudan hiç bir şey bulunmayan us.
- Deriyle ilişkili lenfoid doku.
- Bileyi taşı.
Skin-associatedlymphoid tissue, SALT.
Sulphate of magnesia having cathartic qualities; originally prepared by boiling down the mineral waters at Epsom, England, whence the name; afterwards prepared from sea water; but now from certain minerals, as from siliceous hydrate of magnesia.
The chloride of sodium, a substance used for seasoning food, for the preservation of meat, etc.
It is found native in the earth, and is also produced, by evaporation and crystallization, from sea water and other water impregnated with saline particles.
Hence, flavor; taste; savor; smack; seasoning.
Hence, also, piquancy; wit; sense; as, Attic salt.
Dish for salt at table; a saltcellar.
Sailor; usually qualified by old.
The neutral compound formed by the union of an acid and a base; thus, sulphuric acid and iron form the salt sulphate of iron or green vitriol.
Any mineral salt used as an aperient or cathartic, especially Epsom salts, Rochelle salt, or Glauber's salt.
Marshes flooded by the tide.
The act of leaping or jumping; a leap.
Of or relating to salt; abounding in, or containing, salt; prepared or preserved with, or tasting of, salt; salted; as, salt beef; salt water.
The taste experience when salt is taken into the mouth white crystalline form of especially sodium chloride used to season and preserve food a compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal preserve with salt; 'people used to salt meats on ships' add zest or liveliness to; 'She salts her lectures with jokes' sprinkle as if with salt; 'the rebels had salted the fields with mines and traps' add salt to of speech that is painful or bitter; 'salt scorn'- Shakespeare; 'a salt apology' containing or filled with salt; 'salt water'.
Overflowed with, or growing in, salt water; as, a salt marsh; salt grass.
Compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal.
White crystalline form of especially sodium chloride used to season and preserve food.
Negotiations between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics opened in 1969 in Helsinki designed to limit both countries' stock of nuclear weapons.
To sprinkle, impregnate, or season with salt; to preserve with salt or in brine; to supply with salt; as, to salt fish, beef, or pork; to salt cattle.
The taste experience when salt is taken into the mouth.
To fill with salt between the timbers and planks, as a ship, for the preservation of the timber.
Add salt to.
To deposit salt as a saline solution; as, the brine begins to salt.
Sprinkle as if with salt; 'the rebels had salted the fields with mines and traps'.
Add zest or liveliness to; 'She salts her lectures with jokes'.
Preserve with salt; 'people used to salt meats on ships'.
Chemical compound formed by combining the anion of an acid with the cation of a base Second Law of Thermodynamics - Some forms of transformations of one kind of energy to another are not observed to occur in natural processes The observed transformations in a closed system are always characterized by a nondecreasing entropy In open systems where the entropy may be kept constant, the allowed transformations are always characterized by a decrease in the amount of energy available to do useful work.
Containing or filled with salt; 'salt water'.
The common name for the specific chemical compound sodium chloride, used in the regeneration of ion exchange water softeners In chemistry, the term is applied to a class of chemical compounds which can be formed by the neutralization of an acid with a base.
Of speech that is painful or bitter; 'salt scorn'- Shakespeare; 'a salt apology'.
The common name for the specific chemical compound sodium chloride , used in the regeneration of ion exchange water softeners In chemistry, the term is applied to a class of chemical compounds which can be formed by the neutralization of an acid with a base.
One of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of sea water.
Basic taste characterized by solutions of chlorides, bromides, iodides, nitrates, and sulfates of potassium and lithium.
String of random bits concatenated with a key or password to foil precomputation attacks.
Any compound formed by combination of any negative ion with any positive ion ; the precipitate produced as the result of neutralization of an acid with a base.
The common name for sodium chloride, or table salt In brewing terms, any compound produced by the reaction of an acid with an alkali.
Treaty between the US and former USSR limiting the number of ICBM and SLBM launchers that each can possess.
Compound produced by the combination of a base, commonly a metallic oxide, with an acid; some common salts are sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and magnesium sulfate.
Sodium chloride, NaCl, used for preserving the freshness of food 2 Substance that results from reaction between acid and base.
The common name for the specific chemical compound sodium chloride used in the regeneration of ion exchange water softeners In chemistry, the term is applied to a class of chemical compounds which can be formed by the neutralization of an acid with a base.
Substance needed to live, made of the elements sodium and chloride SOLID keeping its shape, firm, not a liquid or gas, for example a rock SUN a star in our solar system that helps heat the earth and keeps plants alive.
The mineral sodium chloride.
BATHS - Crystals are soaked in a bath of course salt and luke warm water overnight or during the day Sometimes this is accompanied by leaving the stones in the sun or moonlight.
Chemical compound derived from an acid by replacing the hydrogen atom with a metal or positive ion Salts may act as buffers in solution with acids or bases Common or table salt is an example.
An ionic compound.
The mineral 'sodium chloride ' Most of today's salt comes from mines left by dried salt lakes Used as a flavoring agent in many foods Because of its value as a preservative, salt was a vital commodity to early civilization.
White, friable mineral that is highly soluble in water.
Random value concatenated to a symmetric cipher key to foil precomputation attacks by generating different results each time the encryption is performed The salt value is typically sent with the encrypted message so the recipient can reproduce the complete decryption key.
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
Salt was an important commodity and used for preserving meat See the entry for Salt in the main Alphabetic Section of Malcolm Bull's Trivia Trail and Red Hills, Salt-making, Saltern.
Compound formed when one or more of the hydrogen ions of an acid is replaced with an cation or when one or more of the hydroxide ions of a base is replaced with an anion.
Sesame Seed Shortening Short Paste Silicone Paper Sodium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate Specific Gravity Specific Heat Specific Volume Spring Wheat Sterilisation Sugar Batter Cake Mixing Method Surfactant Syneresis Thiamine Titanium Dioxide Triglyceride Unleavened Bread Viscoelasticity Vitamins Water Water Activity Waxy Maize Winter Wheat Yeast.
- Tuz, sodyum kloruru, maden tuzu
- Bir asit ile bir bazdan meydana gelen tuz
- Çoğ
- Tuzlamak, salamura yapmak, tuzlayarak saklamak, biriktirmek
salt absorbing cells
- Tuz soğuran hücreler
salt adres
Absolute address.