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Spicy sauce of tomatoes and onions and chili peppers to accompany Mexican foods.
Sauce Usually, refers to a tomato-based condiment used to dip or to accent dishes If the salsa is uncooked, as in Pico De Gallo, it is referred to as 'salsa cruda ' If it is processed, in Tex Mex lingo, this is called 'chile ' If cooked and then bottled, this is called 'picante'.
This is a favored name for a type of Latin music which, for the most part, has its roots in Cuban culture and is enhanced by jazz textures The word, Salsa, means sauce denoting a 'hot' flavor and is best distinguished from other Latin music styles by defining it as the New York sound developed by Puerto Rican musicians in New York The dance structure is largely associated with mambo type patterns and has a particular feeling that is associated mainly with the Clave and the Montuno.
The Spanish word for 'sauce,' salsa usually refers to cooked or fresh combinations of fruits and/or vegetables The most popular being the Latino mixture of tomatoes and chile peppers.
Contemporary word for hot, up-tempo, creative Latin music, it means 'gravy' or 'sauce ' Originally, it was used as a descriptive such as 'swinging' or 'funky ' The origins of the current usage are obscure, but it began to circulate in the late 1960s The basic meter of salsa is 4/4, organized by the two-bar clave pattern.
Popular form of Latin-American dance music, characterized by Afro-Caribbean rhythms, Cuban big-band dance melodies and elements of jazz and rock.
Latin jazz; particularly music that favors the Afro-Cuban elements.
Mixture of hot chili peppers, tomatoes and spices to dip chips in Also a form of dance commonly seen in Tucson night spots.
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