refuse heap ne demek?
- Mezbele
- Çöplük
- Aşağılık ve kötü durum.
- Çöplük. Pis şeylerin bulunduğu süprüntü yeri.
Filthy and messy place.
Refuse heap.
Garbage dump.
refuse acceptance
- Kabul etmemek
refuse bag
- Çöp torbası
- Yığın, küme, öbek
- Çok miktar
- Kalabalık, güruh
- Yığmak, kümelemek
- Yağdırmak (hediye, hakaret) .
- Tepeleme doldurmak, ağzına kabar doldurmak, yüklemek
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
refuse acceptancerefuse bagrefuse binrefuse collectorrefuse containerrefuserefuse derived fuelrefuse disposalrefuse dumprefuse of userefusalrefusal of inventionsrefusal of paymentrefusal to payrefuelrefuel torefuellingrefuelling stoprefugeheapheap cloudsheap coals of fire on ones headheap coals of fire on someones headheap conditionheap insults onheap ofheap of dressed oreheap of rubbleheap of ruinsheadhead amphead and shouldershead and shoulders abovehead binding