reel ne demek?
- Makara
- Dönmek, çabuk dönmek.
- (başı) dönmek.
- Makara üstüne sarılmış iplik veya tel
- Sarhoş gibi sendeleyerek yürümek, salınmak
- Sersemlemek, başı dönmek
- Sendeleyerek yürüme, başı dönme.
- Makaraya sarmak, sarmak, dolamak, dönmek, fırıl fırıl dönmek, sersemlemek, sendelemek
- Olta çubuğunun alt ucuna konulan makara
- Fr. Gerçek, hakiki, sahici.
- Oynak bir İskoç dansı
- (sinema) filim makarası
The act or motion of reeling or staggering; as, a drunken reel.
Lively dance of Scottish highlanders; marked by circular moves and gliding steps winder consisting of a revolving spool with a handle; attached to a fishing rod a roll of photographic film holding a series of frames to be projected by a movie projector music composed for dancing a reel wind onto or off a reel.
Roll of photographic film holding a series of frames to be projected by a movie projector.
Music composed for dancing a reel.
Winder consisting of a revolving spool with a handle; attached to a fishing rod.
Winder around which thread or tape or film or other flexible materials can be wound.
Lively dance of Scottish highlanders; marked by circular moves and gliding steps.
An American country dance which starts with the couples facing each other in two lines.
Walk as if unable to control one's movements; 'The drunken man staggered into the room'.
Revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis; 'The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy'.
Wind onto or off a reel.
Device to hold hoses or coiled tubing usually equipped with a rotary joint allowing for the pumping of gas and fluids through the hose or tubing.
1) The hub and flanges that hold tape and which tape can be spooled onto or off of 2) The amount of tape that fits on a Reel.
On TSM servers that support it, a device class that is used to categorize tape devices that support tape reels, such as the 3420 9-track tape device.
Holds a certain amount of line depending on the line's weight ant taper.
Revolvable flanged device made of wood, plastic and/or metal which is used for winding flexible metal wire or cable.
Dance; to spin.
Lively dance of the Highlanders of Scotland; also, the music to the dance; often called Scotch reel.
Frame with radial arms, or a kind of spool, turning on an axis, on which yarn, threads, lines, or the like, are wound; as, a log reel, used by seamen; an angler's reel; a garden reel.
Machine on which yarn is wound and measured into lays and hanks, for cotton or linen it is fifty-four inches in circuit; for worsted, thirty inches.
Device consisting of radial arms with horizontal stats, connected with a harvesting machine, for holding the stalks of grain in position to be cut by the knives.
To roll.
To wind upon a reel, as yarn or thread.
To incline, in walking, from one side to the other; to stagger.
To have a whirling sensation; to be giddy.
The master roll of paper as it comes off the papermaking machine It is in its original width and is then cut into smaller rolls.
The reel originated around 1750 in Scotland and the Irish dance masters brought it to full development The music is 4/4 time and it is danced at a relatively fast tempo Both men and women dance the reel For women, it is a light, rapid soft shoe dance that allows for plenty of leaping and demands an energetic performance from the dancer Men often dance the reel in what appears to be hard shoes without the toe tap up front Often a feis will include a special competition in the treble reel Here, dancers in a single line dance right and left leg Some separate out age groups, some combine the age groups into one competition Usually, audiences are extremely enthusiastic in their appreciation for this exciting performance.
Polythene Film used on SITMA enclosing machinery is supplied in reels of approximately 35 kilos An average reel of 480mm wide plain film will wrap approx 7000 items.
Fast-paced dance for two or more couples, most common in Scotland and Ireland, but also encountered in Scandinavia and North America.
Usually smaller diameter pipelines in continuous lengths prepared onshore and laid from a large reel onboard ship Max lay rate app 1 mile / hour.
Rollicking tune in 4/4 or 2/4 time.
Moderately quick dance in duple meter danced throughout the British Isles; the most popular Irish traditional dance type.
To wind or pull in the fly line from the water.
The flanged spool on which wire rope or strand is wound for storage or shipment Smooth Faced Drum - Drum with a plain face, not grooved.
- ), (f.) çıkrık iği, makara
- (teyp) bant makarası
- Makaraya sarmak
- Bozguna uğramak
- Bu dansın müziği
- Bir yükün yukarıya kaldırılmasını sağlayan araç.
- Üzerine iplik, tel, şerit vb. sarılan, kenarları çıkıntılı, ekseni boyunca delik silindir, bobin.
- Sürme kapak rayları üzerinde hareket edecek biçimde metal veya plastikten yapılmış değişik tiplerdeki sürme kapak aleti.
- Ağır yüklerin kaldırılma ve indirilmesinde kullanılan, birbirine paralel iki veya daha çok tabla arasında dönen, kenarı çepeçevre oluklu tekerlek veya tekerleklerden oluşmuş mekanik alet.
- Çeşitli film aygıtlarında filmin geçişini sağlayan, bazıları dişli ya da basaçlı da olan, silindir biçiminde ufak teker
- Silindir biçimindeki göbeğine film sarılan, iki yanı kapalı, madenden ya da yoğruktan teker
- Bu tekere sarılmış film
- Bu filmin içeriği
- (35 mm'lik filmlerinmakaraları aynı boyda olduğundan) Film uzunluk birimi (35 mm'lik filmin 1makarasında 1.000 ayak = 300 m film vardır. Genellikle 16 ve 9,5 mm'liklerde 1makarada 400 ayak = 120 m, 8 mm ve büyük 8 mm'liklerde 200 ayak = 60 m film bulunur). Sinem./TV
- Bumakaraların mıknatıslı ses kuşağı, mıknatıslı film, mıknatıslı görüntü kuşağı için olanı.
reel balans etkisi
- Bk. gerçek para kasası etkisi
reel büyüme
- Bk. büyüme