ready market ne demek?
- Hazır pazar
- Hazır piyasa
- Bir iş yapmak için gereken her şeyi tamamlamış olan, anık, amade, müheyya.
- Belli bir işe yarayacak, kullanılacak bir duruma getirilmiş.
- Belirli bir biçimde yapılmış olarak satılan, alıcı bekleyen, ısmarlama karşıtı.
- Bu fırsattan yararlanarak
- Huzurda olan, göz önünde olan. Amade ve müheyya olan. Gaib olmayan.
- Su sesi, su şırıltısı. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: hazîr)
ready made
- Hazır giyim
- (Resim) Kullanıldığı yerden uzaklaştırılıp sergilenecek sanat nesnesi özelliği kazandırılmış eşya.
- Hazır.
- Konfeksiyon
ready made clothes
- Konfeksiyon
- Özellikle her türlü yiyecek maddesinin, ev, büro, mağaza vb. yerlere ait gereçlerin satıldığı dükkân.
To expose for sale in a market; to traffic in; to sell in a market, and in an extended sense, to sell in any manner; as, most of the farmes have marketed their crops.
The world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold; 'without competition there would be no market'; 'they were driven from the marketplace' the securities markets in the aggregate; 'the market always frustrates the small investor' the customers for a particular product or service; 'before they publish any book they try to determine the size of the market for it' engage in the commercial promotion, sale, or distribution of; 'The company is marketing its new line of beauty products' buy household supplies; 'We go marketing every Saturday'.
The world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold; 'without competition there would be no market'; 'they were driven from the marketplace'.
The securities markets in the aggregate; 'the market always frustrates the small investor'.
The customers for a particular product or service; 'before they publish any book they try to determine the size of the market for it'.
Marketplace where groceries are sold; 'the grocery store included a meat market'.
Engage in the commercial promotion, sale, or distribution of; 'The company is marketing its new line of beauty products'.
Buy household supplies; 'We go marketing every Saturday'.
Deal in a market.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
ready madeready made clothesready made shopready moneyready cashready codready coinready cookedready for salereadyreadread back toread between the linesread for the barread headmarketmarket agencymarket analystmarket areamarket cartmarket coverage ratemarket daymarket dealermarket demandmarket disruptionmarkemarke etmekmarkedmarked by interruptionsmarked by repetition