radar beam ne demek?

  1. Radar hüzmesi
  2. radar hüzmesi


  1. Radyo dalgalarının yankısını alarak cisimlerin yerini ve uzaklığını bulabilen, genellikle uçak ve gemilerde kullanılan cihaz.
  2. Trafik polisleri tarafından kullanılan, taşıtların hızını saptamaya yarayan aygıt.
  3. İçgüdü, seziş
  4. (en)Term coined from the phrase 'Radio Detecting and Ranging ' It is based on the principle that ultra-high frequency radio waves travel at a precise speed and are reflected from objects they strike It is used to determine an object's direction and distance.
  5. (en)An electronic instrument that broadcasts and receives microwave signals back from precipitation areas, and determines their location, height, movement, and intensity rainbow: an arc displaying all colors in the visible light spectrum Formed when light from the sun is reflected and refracted through water droplets Always appears on the side of the sky opposite of the sun reflectivity: a measure of how well a surface turns the part of the radiation it receives back in the direction from which the radiation came refraction: bending of light as it passes through something with different properties, such as a light beam bending as it travels through glass relative humidity: ratio of the actual vapor pressure of the air to the saturation vapor pressure for the surrounding air temperature In other words, how much water the air is holding divided by how much water the air is capable of holding.
  6. (en)An acronym for radio range and detecting A radio detection device that uses pulses of microwave-length energy to provide range, azimuth, and/or elevation data of objects.
  7. (en)System using beamed and reflected radio-frequency radiation, usually microwave, to detect objects and measure ranges.
  8. (en)Radio detecting and ranging; a device used to detect and determine the range to distant objects or atmospheric discontinuities by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns.
  9. (en)By emitting high frequency radio waves and measuring where and how fast they were reflected, a radar instrument can measure things like distance, direction, speed, etc A radar instrument can 'see' objects in the dark as well as penetrate cloud cover.
  10. (en)An electronic means of determining distance.

radar beacon

  1. radar farı (parıldak)
  2. Radar farı (parıldak)


  1. Radar seyir subayı, RIO, ABD Hava Kuvvetleri uçaklarında radar dedektörlerini kullanan subay (uçağŸın arka kısımında oturan)


  1. Işın
  2. Yaymak, saçmak (ışık).
  3. Yayın yapmak.
  4. Gözleri parlamak, gözlerinin içi gülmek
  5. Işımak, ışık saçmak, parlamak.
  6. Kiriş, hatıl, putrel
  7. Direk, mertek
  8. Terazi kolu
  9. Araba veya saban oku
  10. Yüzü sevinçle parlamak

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

radar beaconradar radar alaniradar altimeterradar anteniradar approach controlradarradar coverageradar cross sectionradar deceptionradafradaferadansaradappertisationradappertizasyonbeambeam actionbeam aerialbeam alignmentbeam anglebeam antennabeam arraybeam axisbeam balancebeam benderbeabeablebeachbeach ballbeach buggy
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