pulzus filiformis ne demek?
- İp nabız.
- Pulsus filiformis
- Dokuma maddelerinin bükülmüş liflerinden yapılan bağ.
- İplik
- Asarak öldürme cezası.
- Tether.
- Tightrope.
- Internet Protocol.
- Internet Protocol, the most basic protocol to communicate on the Internet An IP number is a numerical address consisting of four numbers seperated by periods Each IP address uniquely identifies a certain computer on the Internet The domain name is used to make using them easier.
- Internet Protocol The communications protocol underlying the Internet, IP allows large, geographically-diverse networks of computers to communicate with each other quickly and economically over a variety of physical links An Internet Protocol Address is the numerical address by which a location in the Internet is identified Computers on the Internet use IP addresses to route traffic and establish connections among themselves; people generally use the human-friendly names made possible by the Domain Name System.
- An abbreviation for Internet Protocol, the basic network transmission protocol of the Internet.
- Internet Protocol The network layer protocol for the Internet protocol suite.
pulzus aritmikus
- Düzensiz nabız.
- Pulsus aryhtmicus
pulzus bigeminus
- Çift nabız.
- Pulsus bigeminus
- İplik biçiminde olan.
- İplik biçiminde olan, filiform.
- Filiformis.
- Filiformis
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
pulzus aritmikuspulzus bigeminuspulzus debilispulzus defisiyenspulzus duruspulzus fortispulzus frekuenspulzus insensibilispulzus intermittenspulzus irregularispulzasyonpulzasyon hızıpulzasyon oranıpulzatörpulpul aktarımıpul baskısıpul biberpul bilimifiliformisfiliformfiliform nabizfili basitfili hikayefili kıyasıfili malumfili mechul