proximity theorem ne demek?
- Yakınlık savı
- Yakın olma durumu
- Duygusal bağ veya akrabalık ilişkisi.
- Adjacency.
- Affinity.
- Approximation.
- Closeness.
- Connection.
- Connexion.
- Contiguity.
- Familiarity.
proximity detector
- Yakınlık dedektörü
proximity effect
- yakınlık etkisi
- Yakınlık etkisi
- Teorem, dava
- Teorem, kuram
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
proximity detectorproximity effectproximity indicatorproximity of bloodproximity sensorproximityproximalproximal axonopathyproximal convoluted tubuleproximal epidural anaesthesiaproximal paravertebreal anesthesiatheoremtheorem of sinestheorem of tangentstheorem of the cosinetheorem schematheorbotheotheobroma cacaotheobrominetheocentrictheocracythethe 1967 bordersthe 1st cervical vertebrathe 2004 tsunamithe 80 20 rule