profitable business ne demek?
- Karlı iş
- Kârı olan, kazançlı
- Kar yağan.
- Üstünde kar bulunan.
- Snowy.
- Covered with snow.
- Snowcapped.
- Lucrative.
- Profitable.
- Remunerative.
- Snow-covered.
- Karlı, kazançlı
- Yararlı, faydalı
profitable investment
- Karlı yatırım
- İş
- Ticarethane, firma
- İş yeri
- Ticaret
- Faaliyet, görev, alım satım
- Meslek, vazife
- Mesele, problem, konu
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
profitableprofitable investmentprofitable rateprofitable toprofitablenessprofitabilityprofitprofit after taxprofit allowanceprofit and lossprofit and loss accountbusinessbusiness activitybusiness activity statementbusiness administrationbusiness administratorbusiness agentbusiness agreementbusiness applicattonbusiness assetsbusiness barometersbusidebusidenbusierbusiestbusily