perform a folk dance ne demek?
- Folk dansi yap
- Halk.
The persons of one's own family; as, our folks are all well.
People in general; 'they're just country folk'; 'the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next'.
Social division of people.
People descended from a common ancestor; 'his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower'.
The traditional and typically anonymous music that is an expression of the life of people in a community.
In Anglo-Saxon times, the people of a group of townships or villages; a community; a tribe.
People in general, or a separate class of people; generally used in the plural form, and often with a qualifying adjective; as, the old folks; poor folks.
Latin, vulg' ; German, volk; Dutch, volch; Saxon, folc; Danish, folk Folk and vulgar are variants of the same word.
- Bir müzik eserini oluşturan notaları sese çevirme.
- Oynamak, yapmak, yerine getirmek, uygulamak, numara yapmak, oynamak (rol), canlandırmak, konser vermek, işlemek
- Yapmak, icra etmek
- Yerine getirmek, icabını yapmak (görev)
- Ifa etmek
- Sahnede oynamak, rolünü yapmak
- Canlandırmak
- Ses veya çalgı ile müzik yapmak
- Çalmak.
perform a dance
- Dans et
- Ülke, kurum ve yatırım araçlarının yüksek güvenilirlik aralığını gösteren ve derecelendirme kuruluşu tarafından verilen not. A'nın sayıları arttıkça güvenilirlik derecesi yükselir; işaret değişiklikleri her bir konum için olumlu veya olumsuz gelişmelere işaret eder (AA, AAA, A+, AA- vb).
- Yunanca yokluk ifade eden ön ek.
- Amper.
- Anot.
- Angström.
- Argon simgesi. (II)
- Kazanılmış bağışıklık yetmezlik sendromu.
- Bk. adres çözünümü iletişim kuralı
Association of Research-based Pharmaceutical Companies.
- Halk.
The persons of one's own family; as, our folks are all well.
People in general; 'they're just country folk'; 'the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next'.
Social division of people.
People descended from a common ancestor; 'his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower'.
The traditional and typically anonymous music that is an expression of the life of people in a community.
In Anglo-Saxon times, the people of a group of townships or villages; a community; a tribe.
People in general, or a separate class of people; generally used in the plural form, and often with a qualifying adjective; as, the old folks; poor folks.
Latin, vulg' ; German, volk; Dutch, volch; Saxon, folc; Danish, folk Folk and vulgar are variants of the same word.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
performperform a danceperform an actionperform perfunctorilyperform rap musicperform surgery onperform toperform to the endperformanceperformance analogyperforajperforanperforansperforasyonperforasyon tablasıaa 1a alfa lipoproteinemia b basımıa b c basımıa b dizilemesia b sarmasıa bad hata bad marka bad sailorababaaba güreşiabacıabacılık