pecuniary means ne demek?
- Nakdi araç
- Parasal araç
- Parasal
In cash.
In the form of money.
pecuniary advantage
- Maddi avantaj
pecuniary benefit
- Maddi fayda
- Parasal menfaat
- Zenginlik, para
- Herhangi bir amaca ulaşmak için kullanılan araç
- Vasıta, araç, vesile
- Servet, varlık
- Vesile
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
pecuniary advantagepecuniary benefitpecuniary claimpecuniary considerationpecuniary damagespecuniarypecuniary economypecuniary guarantypecuniary legacypecuniary obligationmeansmeans cornmeans of communcationmeans of communicationmeans of evidencemeans of expressionmeans of livingmeans of productionmeans of subsistencemeans of supportmeanmean activitymean annual rangemean annual temperaturemean anomaly