paternal cousin ne demek?
- Amca çocuğu
- Babanın erkek kardeşi.
- Yaşlı erkeklere saygı için kullanılan bir seslenme sözü.
Familiar address to an older man.
Collateral ancestors.
Related in the collateral line.
Special cousins.
Amateur Motorcycle Association.
Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
The Alaskan Malamute Club of America is the 'parent' club for the Malamute breed in the USA Club members are expected to follow a Code of Ethics in breeding and competing with Alaskan Malamutes The AMCA and it's members are also responsible for maintaining the Breed Standard The AMCA offers much information for the person new to the Malamute breed, as well as for those involved for many years A monthly newsletter , Specialty shows and events, yearly awards, working titles and more are available to those interested Read more about the AMCA.
paternal aunt
- Hala
paternal grandfather
- Babanın babası
- Kuzen, teyze çocuğu, kuzin
- (masculine)
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
paternal auntpaternal grandfatherpaternal grandmotherpaternal inheritancepaternal linepaternalpaternal powerpaternal propertypaternal sidepaternal unclepaternpaterpatera işlemipatera processpaterfamiliaspatergazicousincousin germancousinhoodcousinscousinshipcouscouscouse a paniccouse troublecouchcouch grasscouchantcouchantlycoucher