outstanding capital stock ne demek?
- Nominal sermaye
- Ödenmemiş sermaye
- Şirket tarafından başkalarına satılan hisse senedi
- Ad belirtilerek yapılan.
- Itibari
- Bk. başabaştan aşağı
Of or pertaining to a name or names; having to do with the literal meaning of a word; verbal; as, a nominal definition.
Existing in name only; not real; as, a nominal difference.
Verb formed from a noun.
In name only Differences in compounding cause the nominal rate to differ from the effective interest rate Inflation causes the purchasing power of money to differ from one time to another.
The exact intended value for a specified parameter Tolerances are specified as positive and negative deviations from this value.
Denoting the standard or ideal values of the parameters specified for the elements that make up bar code symbol characters.
- Tamamlanmamış
- Kalburüstü
- Ödenmemiş
- Askıda, yerine getirilmemiş
- Önemli
- Göze çarpan, seçkin
outstanding account
- Kapatılmamış hesap
- Ödenmemiş hesap
- Kar, çıkar, kazanç
- Sütun başı
- Majüskül
- Kapital, sermaye
- Başşehir, başkent
- Büyük harf
- Mal
- Envanter
- Depodaki mallar
- Bkz. stok
- Mevcut mal
- Satılacak mal
- Bir çiftlikte bulunan hayvanlar
- Sermaye hisseleri, hisse senedi
- Ağaç gövdesi
- Irk, silsile, soy, nesep, nesil
- Bulundurmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
outstandingoutstanding accountoutstanding amountoutstanding balanceoutstanding checkoutstanding debtsoutstanding deptoutstanding interestoutstanding natural areaoutstanding taxesoutstandcapitalcapital accountcapital accumulationcapital adequacycapital adequacy ratiocapital allowancecapital anamalcapital appreciationcapital assetcapital asset pricingcapiascapias ad respondendumcapillaceouscapillarectasiaCapillaria