operator norm ne demek?
- Operatörün normu
operator equation
- Operatör denklemi
operator function
- Operatör fonksiyonu
- Kural olarak benimsenmiş, yerleşmiş ilke veya kanuna uygun durum, düzgü.
- Bk. düzgü
Member of a lesser House.
Brand , norm.
Rule or authoritative standard; a model; a type.
Expectations of how a person or persons will behave in a given situation based on established protocols, rules of conduct or accepted social practices.
Typical, structural unit; a type.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
operator equationoperator functionoperator geneoperator logicoperator manualoperatoroperator of a canteenoperator of a dairyoperator of a moteloperator of a motorboatoperateoperate inoperate on s.o.operate tooperatednormnorm metricnorm metriğinorm normnorm of a vectornormanorma göre yakınsaklıknormalnormal altınormal amino acidnornor gatenor isleminor operationnor yet