occipital bone ne demek?
- Art kafa kemiği
- Oksipital kemik
- Arka, geri
- Bir şeyin öbür yüzü.
- Arkada bulunan.
- Bk. arka
The termination of many English words; as, coward, reynard, drunkard, mostly from the French, in which language this ending is of German origin, being orig.
The same word as English hard.
The second person singular, indicative mode, present tense, of the substantive verb Be; but formed after the analogy of the plural are, with the ending -t, as in thou shalt, wilt, orig.
An ending of the second person sing.
The black art; magic.
occipital condyle
- Oksipital kondil
occipital dysplasia
- Art kafa displazisi
- Düz veya kıvrımlı her çeşit yumuşak kumaş vb. maddeden yapılan başlık. Havuza girerken kullanımı yaygındır.
- Bir tür başlık. (Saçı dış temastan koruma amaçlı)
One of the pieces or parts of an animal skeleton; as, a rib or a thigh bone; a bone of the arm or leg; also, any fragment of bony substance.
The frame or skeleton of the body.
To sight along an object or set of objects, to see if it or they be level or in line, as in carpentry, masonry, and surveying.
Shade of white the color of bleached bones rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates the porous calcified substance from which bones are made remove the bones from; 'bone the turkey before roasting it' consisting of or made up of bone; 'a bony substance'; 'the bony framework of the body'.
Lady's cap.
Bathing cap.
Rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates.