nafta ne demek?
- Petrolden 100-250 °C arasında damıtılan ürün.
- Bk. Kuzey Amerika Serbest Ticaret Bölgesi
- Yapısı benzine çok benzeyen ya da özdeş olan ve yeryağının damıtılmasıyla üretilen yeğni hidrokarbonlar karışımı. (Başlıca etilen ve kimyasal gübre üretiminde, ayrıca çözücü olarak çeşitli işleyim dallarında kullanılır.)
North American Free Trade Agreement.
North American Free Trade Agreement between United States, Canada and Mexico.
North American Free Trade Agreement NBEP National Biomass Ethanol Program.
North American Free Trade Agreement, concluded between Canada, Mexico and the United States Entered into force in 1994.
North American Free Trade Agreement;.
The North American Free Trade Agreement, which became law in 1993 when it was enacted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico NAFTA's purpose, among other things, is to facilitate and increase trade among the three countries.
North American Free Trade Agreement; a trade agreement ending trade restrictions between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
The North American Free Trade Agreement which was signed by Canada, the United States and Mexico in December, 1992 and implemented in January, 1994 This replaces the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the U S As a result of NAFTA, the two new columns, being the Mexico Tariff Treatment and the Mexico-United States Tariff Treatment , have been added to the Tariff.
North American Free Trade Agreement; trade agreement among United States, Canada and Mexico that went into effect January 1, 1994.
In January 1994, Canada, the United States and Mexico launched the North American Free Trade Agreement and formed the world's largest free trade area NASA: National Aeronautics and Space administration, established in 1958.
Regional preferential trade agreement that aims to eliminate tariffs and other trade, services, and investment barriers among its members.
North American Free Trade Agreement, involving the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
North American free trade Agreement This agreement allows reduced or no duties on products which are determined to be originating goods of the U S , Canada or Mexico.
In January 1994 Canada, the United States and Mexico launched the North American Free Agreement and formed one of the world's largest free trade areas Designed to foster increased trade and investment among the partners, they expected the NAFTA to reduce the economic disparities between their countries.
The North American Free Trade Agreement, which was approved by Congress in 1993, set up an open trading zone among the United States, Canada and Mexico.
North American Free Trade Agreement The agreement can be found at http://www dfait-maeci gc ca/nafta-alena/agree-e asp.
Means the North American Free Trade Agreement, done on December 17, 1992;.
kuzey amerika serbest ticaret bölgesi
- ABD, Kanada ve Meksika arasında gümrük tarifelerinin indirilerek ticaretin serbestleştirilmesi amacına yönelik olarak 1993 yılında imzalanan anlaşma ile oluşturulan serbest ticaret bölgesi.
North American Free Trade Area, NAFTA.
nafta çözücüsü
- Hafif katran yağlarının damıtılmasından elde edilen çoğunlukla toluen ve ksilen içeren orta ve yüksek kaynama noktalı aromatik hidrokarbonlar
Solvent naphtha.
Solvant naphta
- Formülü C10H7CHO, mol kütlesi 156,2 g, e.n. 59