multilateral agreement on ınvestments ne demek?
- Mai
- Mavi.
- Su cinsinden, su renginde
Member, Appraisal Institute.
Multilateral Agreement on Investment.
Multilateral Agreement on Investment Negotiations to establish this agreement under the auspices of OECD failed at the end of 1998.
The MAI membership designation is held by appraisers who are experienced in the valuation of commercial, industrial, residential and other types of properties, and who advise clients on real estate investment decisions.
The average annual increase in volume of individual trees or stands up to the specified point in time The MAI changes with different growth phases in a tree's life, bring highest in the middle years and then slowly decreasing with age The point at which the MAI peaks is commonly used to identify the biological maturity of the stand and its readiness for harvesting.
multilateral agreement on ınvestment
- Mai
- Çok uluslu
- Çok taraflı
- Çok yanlı
- Çok milletli.
- Çok kenarlı
- Anlaşma
- Kontrat
- Sözleşme
- Uyma aynı fikirde olma, kabul etme, razı olma
- Uzlaşma
- Uyuşma
- Muvafakat, ittifak, karar
- Mukavele, itilâf
- Mukavelename, bağıt
- Antlaşma, pakt
- Dokuzdan sonra gelen sayının adı.
- Bu sayıyı gösteren 10, X rakamlarının adı.
- Dokuzdan bir artık.
- Ketonları gösteren son ek, propanon (dimetil keton): 2-bütanon (etil metil keton) gibi.
In progress; proceeding; as, a game is on.
In operation or operational; 'left the oven on'; 'the switch is in the on position' planned or scheduled; 'the picnic is on, rain or shine'; 'we have nothing on for Friday night' indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; 'his spirit lives on'; 'shall I read on?' in a state required for something to function or be effective; 'turn the lights on'; 'get a load on'.
With a forward motion; 'we drove along admiring the view'; 'the horse trotted along at a steady pace'; 'the circus traveled on to the next city'; 'move along'; 'march on'.
Indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; 'his spirit lives on'; 'shall I read on?'.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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