agreement memorandum ne demek?
- Anlaşma tutanağı
- Tüm taraflar tarafından imzalanmış olan resmi olmayan anlaşma kaydı
- Devletler arası siyasal, ekonomik, kültürel vb. alanlarda yapılan uzlaşma ve bu uzlaşmanın tespit edildiği belge, uyuşma, itilaf, antant.
- Sözleşme.
- Anlaşmak işi.
- Düşünce ve amaç bakımından birleşip uyuşma. krş. sözleşme
Agreement, protocol.
- Anlaşma
- Kontrat
- Sözleşme
- Uyma aynı fikirde olma, kabul etme, razı olma
- Uzlaşma
- Uyuşma
- Muvafakat, ittifak, karar
- Mukavele, itilâf
- Mukavelename, bağıt
- Antlaşma, pakt
agreement of commercial mortgage
- Tecimsel tutu sözleşmesi
- Muhtıra, nota.
Record of something which it is desired to remember; a note to help the memory.
Brief or informal note in writing of some transaction, or an outline of an intended instrument; an instrument drawn up in a brief and compendious form.
Written proposal or reminder.
Sometimes also referred to as a 'Bidder Acknowledgment,' or 'Broker Acknowledgment,' the memorandum is signed by those parties either on the auction floor or in the contract room.
Memorandum title is a nonnegotiable title issued when you bring a vehicle from out-of-state, have a lien on the vehicle and your lienholder has possession of your out-of-state title A Memorandum title is not valid unless accompanied by the previous out-of-state title.
Written communication much like a letter but having no salutation or complimentary ending Usually used within or between offices of the same organization.
Sometimes also referred to as a 'Bidder Acknowledgment' or 'Broker Acknowledgment', the memorandum is signed by those parties either on the auction floor or in the contract room.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
agreementagreement of commercial mortgageagreement on the european economic areaagreement on the gaza strip and the jericho areaagreement to sellagreement typeagreeagree onagree stronglyagree to differagree togethermemorandummemorandum bookmemorandum clausememorandum dosyasımemorandum notememorandum of depositmemorandum of understandingmemorandum padmemorandum sheetmemorabiliamemorablememorably