missing thing ne demek?
- Noksan
- Eksik, eksiklik, kusur
- Bk. istem fazlası
- Eksik
- (Nuksan) Eksik, kusurlu, nakıs.
- Shortcoming.
- Want.
- Wanting.
- Missing.
- Incomplete.
- Unfinished.
missing the target completely
- Karavana
missing target completely
- Karavana
- Şey
- Nesne
- Eşya, konu, yaratık, kimse
- Mevcudiyet
- Cansız şey veya madde
- Mahluk
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
missing the target completelymissing target completelymissing a targetmissing documentmissing linkmissing partmissing plot techniquemissingmissikmissilemissile attackmissile control circuitmissile defense systemmissmiss errormiss firemiss ones footingmiss outthingthing in itselfthing nesnethingamabobthingamajigthingsthings are not always what they seemthings arent always what they seemthings didnt look goodthings entrusted for safekeepingthinthin airthin and smooth leafthin and weakthin bed