mis ne demek?
- Güzel koku.
- Evlenmemiş kadın.
- Bakır.
- Şimal yeli, kuzey rüzgarı.
Prefix used adjectively and adverbially in the sense of amiss, wrong, ill, wrongly, unsuitably; as, misdeed, mislead, mischief, miscreant.
Wrong; amiss.
Management information systems.
Management Information System logging and reporting software that provides PSAP managers with information needed to make informed decisions about staffing and equipment.
Wildlife species whose population will indicate the health of the ecosystem in which it lives and, consequently, the effects of forest management activities to that ecosystem MIS species are selected by land management agencies.
Management Information System Used to describe the set of computing resources that hold and allow access to the information owned by an organization.
Management Information Systems, a division of the Texas Department of Human Services.
Management Information System.
Management Information Systems; a formalized way of dealing with the information that is required in order to manage any organization; it consists of data files, records, company records, marketing data, financial data, etc.
Management Information Systems Usually refers to the computer department of a business or office building In Mifflin County, the MIS Department is a part of the IT department.
Managed Information System, is an initiative of the Network's developed to integrate large state level and state wide MIS programs, and positively impact locally based offices that are integral to Network efforts The MIS take actions to further a unified effort provide the most complete and efficient services to AOD abusing juvenile offenders, non-AOD abusing juvenile offenders, and youth at risk of becoming involved in the Denver Juvenile Justice system.
Management Information Systems.
Management Information Services.
Management information system.
Management Information Server The Solstice EM software process that serves network management clients The process running on a network workstation or server that maintains network management information in a database according to the definitions in its MIT, provides polling, filtering, logging, and other services to Solstice EM services and various other applications.
Major Investment Study.
Management of Information Services' MIS is the designation for the field of computer solutions internal to an organization An MIS department is typically responsible for administering the computer hardware, software, and networking within a company or group.
- Yanlış, ters, kötü
- Önek yanlış, kötü, hatalı.
- Göze ve kulağa hoş gelen, hayranlık uyandıran, çirkin karşıtı.
- İyi, hoş
- Beklenene uygun düşen ve başarı düşüncesi uyandıran.
- Soyluluk ve ahlaki üstünlük düşüncesi uyandıran.
- Görgü kurallarına uygun olan.
- Sakin, hoş (hava).
- Okşayıcı, aldatıcı, kandırıcı.
- Pek iyi, doğru.
- Hoşa giden, hayranlık uyandıran, beğenilen.
mis gibi
- Temiz ve güzel kokulu.
mis gibi kokmak
Be fragrant with, relish.