meta ne demek?
- Mal, ticaret malı.
- Elde bulunan varlık, sermaye
Batıdan aldığımız öteberi arasında en kıymetli meta kendi memleketimizi karış karış dolaşma arzusu olmalıdır.
B. R. Eyuboğlu - Yunanca sonra anlamına gelen ön ek
- Benzen halkalı bileşiklerde kullanılan bir ön ek olup sübstitüe karbon atomlarının arasında bir sübstitüe olmamış karbon atomu bulunması haline karşılık gelir. Benzende 1,3 durumu.
- Sonra, sonra gelen.
- Ortasında.Dgr.: anat. meta
- Ne vakit? Ne zaman? manasında olup, mutlak ve mübhem vakit edatıdır. Bazan "Min" harfi-i cerri yerinde ve sual için de kullanılır.
- Fayda. Menfaat.
The META element is an extensible mechanism for use in identifying specialized document meta-information Each META element ocurrence specifies a Name/Value pair If multiple META elements are specified with the same name, their combined CONTENT sections should be concatenated as a comma separated list to be associated with the common NAME value.
Meta information is information about information Meta tags are found in the head of a document and contain keywords used by search engines.
Prefix meaning to provide added meaning, transcending or going beyond, however meta is nearly as abused a term as cyber A 'meta' key is a key that is used to change the meaning of other keys when used in combination From the Greek, meaning 'with' You can basically think of 'meta' as meaning 'this, but something more' Transcendental metatation?.
In computer science, a common prefix that means 'about' So, for example, metadata is data that describes other data A meta language is a language used to describe other languages A metafile is a file that contains other files The HTML META tag is used to describe the contents of a Web page.
Meta information means 'information about information ' In HTML, meta tags describe the content of the document in which they're written Meta tags with a NAME attribute are used primarily by indexing and searching tools.
The META is the largest shared server package offered by Virtualis It is packed with space and features It is especially popular for those who want to try their hand at hosting sites themselves, and for those who want to build very large websites See Also: SHARED SERVER.
Tags in an XML or HTML used for data describing the document or web page.
Keyword used in the Subject: line of posts to indicate that the post is about the newsgroup itself, rather than the topic of the newsgroup For example, posts about electing a new Squiddies organizer would have their subjects prefaced with META:, since that's about the newsgroup rather than a particular comic.
The mesoscale Eta model A mathematical model of the atmosphere run on a computer that makes forecasts out to 30 hours.
An editor able to edit anywhere, move/rename categories, and approve/reject category applications See also: Editors: Types: Meta.
Above, beyond, about, at a higher level, a logical level higher.
- Meta, yarı, öte, değişim, başkalaşım
meta analiz
- Seyrek görülen akut yan etkilerin ortaya konması için geniş ölçekli rastgele kontrollü inceleme yapılması veya ufak çapta yapılan çok sayıdaki bu tür incelemelerin sonuçlarının üst üste konularak toplu bir biçimde incelenmesi esasına dayanan istatistiksel yöntem.
meta silikat
- Aşındırıcı etkileri azaltılmış, orta derecede alkali deterjanlardan biri.