matching network ne demek?
- Uyumlama devresi
- uyumlama devresi
- Uyumlu duruma getirme
- Bağdaştırma.
matching diaphragm
- Uydurma diyaframı
matching direction
- Yönde uyuşum
Make ties or acquaintances (esp. for professional support or business advantages); link computers for the exchange of information; broadcast something simultaneously on networked stations.
- Iletişim ağı, ağ, şebeke, ağ örgüsü
- Şebeke
- Ağ örgüsü
- Yayın istasyonları şebekesi.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
matching diaphragmmatching directionmatching impedancematching itemmatching looksmatchingmatching of cost with revenuesmatching transformermatching wordsmatchmatch againstmatch and dispatch hatchmatch at cockfightingmatch boxmatc maximum allowable toxic concentrationnetworknetwork access pointnetwork access servernetwork adaptation modulenetwork adapter cardnetwork addressnetwork address translationnetwork administrationnetwork administratornetwork analysisnetwarenetnet 30net abusenet ağırlıknet aktif değeri